News Update

Farmbot launches next generation satellite monitor

Sep 2021 | No Comment

Farmbot, a leading provider of remote monitoring solutions for Australian agriculture, has launched its next generation satellite monitor which enables two-way communication between farm infrastructure and farmers via satellite connectivity.

Hot on the heels of the launch of the Farmbot Camera, the Farmbot Duplex Satellite Monitor is the central unit which will support the camera device and in the near future provide the ability for farmers to control pumps and gates.

Powered by Inmarsat’s IsatData Pro (IDP) service, the new generation monitor provides farmers with two-way messaging via satellite, elevating the Farmbot platform from a monitoring solution, to a management solution. Not only will farmers be able to monitor data collected by sensors, they will also be able to direct a course of action depending on the connected asset.

Although two-way communications via satellite has been possible before, this is the first time it will be made readily available at an affordable ongoing price for Australian farmers.

Though powered by the Inmarsat IDP service, the technology has been tailored for its application in Australian agriculture by a team of local engineers based in Farmbot’s R&D facility in Sydney.

The new unit will retain all the unique functional benefits of the previous generation including a robust housing built to withstand Australian weather extremes, ‘plug-and-play’ simplicity with set-up and install taking approximately 10 minutes, satellite and cellular functionality and a solar-powered battery with up to a week of power storage.

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