Articles tagged with: GIS

The article summarizes the uniqueness of the two fields stating definitions, differences, applications, and integration, and stresses a concerted effort to identify them as exclusive of each other
Dr Neeti Neeti
Associate Professor at Center for Climate Change and Sustainability, Azim Premji University
Dr Madhura Niphadkar
Consultant, Ecological Restoration, Wildlife Conservation Trust
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems are two …

OGC calls for Industry input on Geospatial Fusion
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) has issued a Request for Information to solicit industry input into a Fusion Standards Study to be conducted in preparation for the planned OGC Web Services, Phase 7 (OWS-7) Testbed. It will also partner with other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) having technology relevant to fusion.
Delhi 3 months away from geogovernance
For the first time ever Delhi city will have a utility map through aerial photographs and also real-time monitoring of the ground situation throughout the city with the help of 64 wireless internet protocol cameras. 31 departments and agencies will be able to access this data in real time. The Rs 120 crore project called the Delhi State Spatial Data Infrastructure (DSSDI) project is in the last stages of completion. It is being done by Delhi government along with Survey of India (SOI). Times of India
Study GIS at Hong Kong Polytechnic
The Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is now accepting applications for Master of Science/ Postgraduate Diploma in Geomatics (GIS/ Surveying). It is the longest running postgraduate program in GIS and the only one in Geomatics (Surveying) in Hong Kong.