News Archives, Remote Sensing


May 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – REMOTE SENSING


RISAT – ISRO’s SAR satellite, launched

ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C12), on April 20, 2009 successfully placed two satellites – RISAT-2 and ANUSAT – in the desired orbit. RISAT-2 is a Radar Imaging Satellite with the capability to take images of the earth during day and night as well as cloudy conditions. This satellite will enhance ISRO’s capability for earth observation, especially during disaster management. ANUSAT, built by Anna University, Chennai is the first experimental communication satellite built by an Indian University under the guidance of ISRO and will demonstrate the technologies related to message store and forward operations.

New web service to resolve land disputes

Bluesky has launched a new web service designed to help resolve boundary, rights of way, and other land related disputes. Visitors to can now identify and acquire photographic evidence from the past to support their claim. In addition to millions of aerial images dating back as far as the 1917, a range of professional services are also available including Letters of Authenticity, Statutory Declaration and even appearance in court by a professional photographic interpreter.

Satellites show moving earth during Italy quake

Studying satellite radar data from ESA’s Envisat and the Italian Space Agency’s COSMO-SkyMed, scientists have begun analysing the movement of Earth during and after the recent earthquake in L’Aquila, central Italy. The scientists are using the SAR Interferometry (InSAR) technique, a sophisticated version of ‘spot the difference’.

It involves combining two or more radar images of the same ground location in such a way that very precise measurements – down to a scale of a few millimetres – can be made of any ground motion taking place between image acquisitions.

Canadian air force to map Afghanistan

The Canadian air force is to digitally map southern Afghanistan and especially the province of Kandahar for NATO and Afghan pilots and ground troops. An Aurora reconnaissance aircraft with sensors and cameras will be dispatched to undertake this major mapmaking project Canwest News Service,

Snow maps to help reindeer herders

International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR) has partnered with ESA-backed Polar View initiative to obtain satellite based snow melt maps for Norway and Sweden and Eurasia. It will help the Arctic reindeer herders who are facing the challenges of adapting to climate change.

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