Dec 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GPS
Coastal navigation upgrade
The UK’s General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) have awarded a £4m contract to VT Communications for the upgrade of 14 Differential Global Positioning Service reference stations. The upgrade includes adding the capability to use modernised GPS signals that will be needed for tracking the future satellite navigations systems, Galileo and GLONASS. |
Outdoor GPS market to hit $1.7b by 2013
According to ABI Research study, outdoor GPS market will generate $1.7 billion in annual revenues by the end of 2013, driven by innovations in user interfaces and integration in community sites. The future uptake of topographic maps-based outdoor GPS navigation will be driven by hybrid solutions such as crossover portable navigation devices and multi-mode mapping converged solutions, as well as pedestrian navigation, the study predicts.
UK govt seeks India patent for satellite navigation system
The UK government is seeking a patent in India for a defence invention called ‘modulation signals for a satellite navigation system’, which can measure satellite signals. The satellite navigation system of the Defence Ministry is broadly based on the technique used in the GPS, which operates by using a number of frequencies, according to the patent application. A patent for the invention has already been approved by Geneva-based World Intellectual Property Organisation, a UN agency. |
Iran launches second rocket
Iran has successfully launched the first example of its Kavosh 2 rocket on 19 November 2008. This is the second homemade rocket launched by Iran this year and is a part of program to develop the ability to put satellites into low-Earth

2008orbits. Iran has plans to put a series of remote sensing and communications satellites into space by 2010 to aid natural disaster management programs and improve telecommunications. |
Maritime GPS in Malaysia
The Malaysian government is to establish a differential GPS network along its coast. Its marine department has awarded the contract for the work to Spanish technologist GMV, and the Malaysian aerospace engineer Astronautic Technology S/B. The network will conform to the standards of the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities, the world body that oversees standards for differential GNSS corrections. |
Iowa DOT and Leica Geosystems to launch RTK GPS Networks
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) is implementing one of the world’s largest networks of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) which will provide authorized public and private users near-instantaneous GPS satellite corrections for accurate and precise positioning anywhere in the state. Provided by Leica Geosystems, the IaRTN network includes a total of 80 stations. Each station will include a Leica GRX1200 GG Pro GNSS receiver with Ethernet capabilities. The satellite referencing network will utilize more than 40 currently operational satellites, as well as another 40 or more that will become operational with system upgrades and additions to the GPS and GLONASS systems as well as Galileo satellites. |
Lockheed Martin-led team completes GPS III Integrated Baseline Review
The Lockheed Martin team developing the next-generation GPS spacecraft, known as GPS III, has successfully completed an Integrated Baseline Review with the US Air Force. GPS III will improve position, navigation, and timing services for the warfighter and civil users worldwide and provide advanced anti-jam capabilities yielding superior system security, accuracy and reliability. |
Russia to put 3 Glonass Satellites into orbit
Russia will put into orbit three Glonass navigation satellites on December 25, 2008 from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan. The system currently consists of 19 satellites, of which 16 are operational, two are undergoing maintenance, and one is one due to be withdrawn. |
June ’09 launch for South Korean Satellite
South Korea will launch a maritime communication and meteorological satellite in June 09 said the country’s Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. The COMS satellite developed jointly by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute and EADS Astrium in Europe, will be placed in a geostationary orbit. |
GPS/approaches outnumber ILS at US airports
GPS/WAAS-based approaches have surpassed the number of traditional Category-I Instrument Landing System -based approaches at US airports, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. Since the WAAS signal is broadcast from space, there is no need for ground-based equipment to be installed and maintained at an airport, such as that needed for an ILS, the administration noted. Furthermore, safety is improved as more aircraft are provided with vertically-guided approaches and improved flight planning options enabled by WAAS. www.faa.govLarge |