Articles in the Perspective Category


Aug 2007 | Comments Off on Geospatial futurology

AT the turn of the millennium there was a mood of optimism and then it all changed. The dot-com bubble burst, 9/11 occurred and climate change became an “uncomfortable truth”. In other words the spirit of the age, or Zeitgeist, changed and new challenges now face societies, industries and individual people.

Jan 2007 | No Comment

Professor Laboratory of Communication Engineering, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan QZSS is a Japanese Satellite System to augment the performance of GPS positioning. It was expected to provide the services of positioning, communication, and broadcasting…

Jun 2006 | Comments Off on India’s phone coordinates

In India, the “extra” digits in telephone numbers have been added a number of times e.g., the digits for Delhi have changed from 5 to 8 in the past five decades. However, with the addition of extra digit of “2” (or “3” or “5”) in the phone numbers of the cities around the countries in December 2002, the total number has reached to “10”, i.e., “2, 3, or 4” digits of city codes plus “8, 7, or 6” digits of phone numbers. In one colony of Delhi, since…

Mar 2006 | Comments Off on Spatial and dynamic modeling techniques: An outlook

Traditionally GIS are considered to perform four basic functions on spatial data; input, storage, analysis and output. Of these, analysis has received least attention in commercial systems. Typically, a variety of map description and manipulation functions are defi ned by commercial vendors as being “Spatial analysis”, but they have little bearing on the use of this term in the Regional Science Community…

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on After Y2K concerns, where are we with our calendar?

The Tropical or Mean Solar year consists of 365.24219879 mean solar days (dM) in which the Earth goes round the Sun. We use mean year and days as the actual year and days are not constant in their duration or they both fl uctuate. The length of the Tropical Year (TY) is measured by the time interval between successive appearances of the Sun in the vernal equinox.