Articles in the News Archives Category

Jul 2015 | No Comment

Chinese search engine titan Baidu and two private equity firms have invested $11.5 million in a public transport advertising network and free Wi-Fi service on buses and metro systems across China. The funds will go toward an affiliate of VisionChina…

Jul 2015 | No Comment

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) membership has approved the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) Version 2 Interface Standard. It provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs….

Jul 2015 | No Comment

The Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung in central Taiwan has decided to deploy cameras attached to drones in its efforts to catch those damaging air quality and jeopardizing road traffic…

Jul 2015 | No Comment

China has launched a high-resolution optical Earth observation satellite recently. The Gaofen 8 satellite lifted off from the Taiyuan space center in northern China’s Shanxi province…

Jul 2015 | No Comment

Congressman Frank LoBiondo, R-N.J., flipped a switch at a decommissioned Loran-C station in Wildwood, New Jersey, to begin transmission of an enhanced Loran or eLoran signal…

Jul 2015 | No Comment

A free app for both iOS and Android features the results of European GNSS Agency (GSA) supported research and development initiatives. The new EGNSS Research….

Jun 2015 | No Comment

Old Coordinates

Jun 2015 | No Comment

The Trimble BD935-INS is part of the company’s GNSS OEM portfolio and augments real-time positioning with 3-D orientation. It is designed for applications that require orientation as well as RTK in a single package.

Jun 2015 | No Comment

Signals from both Galileo satellites launched March 27 are now transmitting signals.

Researchers at Université de Liège and at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, or DLR) reported on May 21 that the first of the full-operational capability (FOC) satellites had begun transmitting standard L-band signals. The satellite, designated Galileo 8, is using pseudorandom-noise-code identifier 22.

Jun 2015 | No Comment

German automaker Daimler AG is increasing its ties with China’s web service provider Baidu Inc to enhance its in-car software technology, for its luxury brands…