Articles in the News Archives Category

May 2017 | No Comment

SuperGIS Server 10
After releasing the next-gen desktop GIS – SuperGIS Desktop 10 as well as mobile GIS- SuperSurv 10 and SuperPad 10, Supergeo will spare no effort to propel the development of SuperGIS Server 10! It will introduce a practical tool called Web Mapper in SuperGIS Server 10.
With Web Mapper, there will be …

May 2017 | No Comment

EU working to ‘push’ Britain out of the space race by cancelling Galileo contracts
The European Commission is working to “push” British companies out of contracts for the latest phase of work on the EU’s Galileo satellite navigation system, according to reports.
The body is understood to be calling for the right to cancel existing …

Apr 2017 | No Comment

Hemisphere GNSS News
C321 RTK Base & Rover and SiteMetrix™ Site Mgmt Software
Hemisphere GNSS, Inc. debuts the C321 GNSS Smart Antenna and SiteMetrix Site Management Software. When paired with SiteMetrix, the nextgeneration multi-frequency, multi-GNSS C321 antenna can be used as an all-inone construction base and rover site controller. Designed specifically for harsh construction environments, …

Apr 2017 | No Comment

Integrated ADS-B Technology to Improve Drone Safety
Kongsberg Geospatial has announced that with uAvionix, the two companies will be integrating Kongsberg Geospatial’s IRIS UAS Airspace Situational Awareness Display with uAvionix’s PingStation ADS-B receiver. Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast, or ADS-B transceivers help track the exact position of aircraft or drones in real time. uAvionix has …

Apr 2017 | No Comment

Remote GeoSystems launches LineVision Google Earth Extension
Remote GeoSystems, Inc. have released the all new LineVision™ Google Earth Extension – commercial software for UAV, airborne & terrestrial mobile inspection and survey projects requiring georeferenced video playback, analysis, collaboration and reporting using Google Earth & other GIS applications. Now anyone with a GPS-enabled video camera, drone …

Apr 2017 | No Comment

MapmyIndia and LetsVenture partnership
Mapmylndia and LetsVenture have recently announced their partnership to encourage startups and developers in India to leverage Mapmylndia’s map and location technology stack to solve problems for Indian and global markets, and to get the opportunity to pitch for investments from leading angels and institutions that are part of the LetsVenture …

Apr 2017 | No Comment

Galileo search and rescue service ready for green light!
The Galileo Search and Rescue (SAR) service is Europe‘s contribution to the international emergency beacon locating system called COSPASSARSAT. This essential Galileo service has the potential to dramatically reduce the time to locate and reach people in distress on sea and land.
In the 2017 Munich …

Mar 2017 | No Comment

LabSat has launched the new LabSat 3 Wideband, which can record multiple signals from different constellations, simultaneously…

Mar 2017 | No Comment

The five-nation group of BRICS will share spatial data on natural resources from their remote-sensing satellites for utilising space assets optimally…

Mar 2017 | No Comment

PCTEL, Inc. (PCTI) and TRX Systems Inc. have announced the first scanning receiverbased cellular network test