Articles in the GNSS News Category

Jun 2017 | No Comment

STMicroelectronics and Allystar partnership
STMicroelectronics is working with Allystar to develop and market GNSS solutions for automotive products and other applications. Allystar is a spin-off from CEC Huada Electronic Design Co. Ltd. and a Chinese GNSS chip designer. ST and Allystar are already co-marketing products for the automotive market and cost-competitive products for the consumer …

May 2017 | No Comment

Air Force says goodbye to 25-yearold GPS satellite
At 25-years old, GPS Vehicle Number 27 completed its time in orbit before the 2nd Space Operations Squadron said goodbye via final command and disposal on April 18. SVN 27 was launched in 1992, meaning it performed more than triple its design life of 7.5 years. Since …

Apr 2017 | No Comment

Galileo search and rescue service ready for green light!
The Galileo Search and Rescue (SAR) service is Europe‘s contribution to the international emergency beacon locating system called COSPASSARSAT. This essential Galileo service has the potential to dramatically reduce the time to locate and reach people in distress on sea and land.
In the 2017 Munich …

Mar 2017 | No Comment

uAvionix Corporation has announced FAA TSO C-199 approval of its FYXNAV GPS position source…

Feb 2017 | No Comment

The onboard atomic clocks that drive the satellite-navigation signals on Europe’s Galileo network have been failing at an alarming rate…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

Russian Space Systems has released draft versions of the GLONASS interface control documents (ICD) for the future code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in the L1, L2 and L3 bands…

Dec 2016 | No Comment

New weather datasets, which could prove highly valuable for weather forecasting and for longer term climate monitoring, have just been made available from the Space…

Nov 2016 | No Comment

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) unveils its first GNSS User Technology Report – designed to help users understand today’s receiver technology and the trends transforming the GNSS landscape. Written with contributions from leading GNSS receiver and chipset manufacturers, the GSA GNSS User Technology Report is as a valuable tool to support planning and decision-making in developing, purchasing and using GNSS user technology.

Oct 2016 | No Comment

ISRO is finalising plans to get two spare navigation satellites of its IRNSS fleet built by industry in the next two years. It will handhold industry for the first project and build it by March 2017….

Sep 2016 | No Comment

The Norwegian research ship Gunnerus, part of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is seeking to emulate the technology used by Europe’s Geostationary Navigation Overlay System, or EGNOS. EGNOS is currently in use in Europe…