Articles in the Mycoordinates Category


Feb 2012 | No Comment

The proposed anti-piracy bills in the U.S.
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), Protect IP Act (PIPA)…
Has been put on hold due to wide protests
Led by Google, Yahoo!, Wikipedia facebook, Twitter, Mozilla…

Jan 2012 | No Comment

If on the spot survey at European Navigation Conference,
2011 held in London gives any indication
About GNSS community perception,
It suggests it will be led pre-dominantly by the North America.

Dec 2011 | No Comment

2011 takes GNSS several steps ahead in this multi-GNSS era.
With 24 satellites in their designated orbital slots, GLONASS is fully operational.
GALILEO took a giant leap in space with the launch of two satellites.

Nov 2011 | No Comment

It is about Galileo. It is about successful launch of its two satellites. It is about rising optimism.
It is about conviction. It is about milestones achieved. It is about aiming and achieving.

Oct 2011 | No Comment

Land reforms, Will continue to remain a contentious issue. In many parts of the world, That can be driven more by strong political will And sustained commitment.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

While surveying and surveyors flourishes, In Far East and South East Asia, Countries like India are an enigmatic and intriguing case. Despite a great history and legacy, The challenge to prepare and groom surveyors,
To meet the present day needs and demands,Apparently, looks huge.

Aug 2011 | No Comment

It is a battle about resources, which is scarce and precious
It is about spectrum.
Stakes are high and consequences are serious.
When in January this year, the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) gave conditional approval to LightSquared,
To roll out its ground based wireless network (4G).
GPS community got nervous.
As testing indicates that LightSquared’s ground-based transmissions
overpower the relatively weak GPS signal …

Jul 2011 | No Comment

About a decade back, Many data providers of the Government of India Initiated the process of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). And the journey continued and still continues…
Now, a user department of the Government of India (Planning Commission) proposes The establishment of The National GIS.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

States Run Show:
Russia upholds ban on high resolution data.China cracks down illegal mapping.
South Korea raids Google offices.Demands in Pakistan to ban Google.

May 2011 | No Comment

The dragon moves. And moves faster. Has already sent into the orbit. The 8th navigational satellite. A transition appears. From ‘one of the players’ to ‘the player’. Will set the tone of the future GNSS, And redefine the dynamics, Among various stakeholders in GNSS. With its own stakes, high.