Articles in the Education Category

With the evolvement of new technologies and new opportunities enabled surveyors to broaden their skills and competencies
Prof. H. M. I. Prasanna
Professor in Geodesy, Faculty of Geomatics Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka.
Dr. M. D. E. K. Gunathilaka
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Geomatics Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka.
History and current status of …

JAPAN International Coorperation Agency (JICA) initiated RS course once a year since 1978FY with full sponsorship to invite 10-15 trainees per year from developing countries. JICA expanded to mapping & surveying, hydrographic survey, GIS etc. However JICA has changed the policy to introduce partially e-learning system in 2004 to improve the cost-efficiency. The reason is that the cost to invite a person from a developing country used to be 10,000 US dollars per month in average. JICA plans to expand JICA NET, a telephone-line based communication system to about 30 developing countries to enable TV conferences between Japan and developing countries.

Azmi Hassan, Mustafa Din Subari
With our universities and numerous polytechnics offering Geomatic program, more is expected from them
Azmi Hassan
Center for Technology Policy & International Studies,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,Malaysia
Mustafa Din Subari
Center for Technology Policy & International Studies,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,Malaysia
THERE seems to be numerous GNSS education and training programs around locally, with government’s institutions and agencies taking the …