Articles in the Applications Category
Fundamental to the challenges facing the reform of the Indonesian land sector is that it lacks a comprehensive land law. All land in Indonesia falls into one of two categories: (i) forest estate (kawasan hutan); and (ii) non-forest estate (Areal Pengunan Lain, APL). As such, land is administered under a dual system through two different government agencies, the Ministry of Forestry (MoFor) and the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, BPN) responsible for forestry and non-forestry lands, respectively.
The Solutions for Open Land Administration (SOLA) Open Source Software project is a 3 year trust fund project, funded through the Government of Finland and implemented by a project team within the UN FAO.
Its aim is to make computerized cadastre and registration systems based on open source software more affordable and more sustainable in developing countries.
Disaster management is a widely discussed topic around the world and more so in recent years because of large scale disasters experienced around the globe. Most discussions appear to be siloed to a particular field of expertise although it is well recognised that a coordinated effort is required amongst
Nowadays researchers and various users are very interested in urban applications at large scale, where small UAVs are very useful. In Photogrammetry, UAVs represent a very fl exible and low-cost platform which reduces data acquisition time and provides for high resolution and high accuracy data for small area modeling…
Pilotless aerial vehicle systems (PAVs) have captured many people’s imaginations through the media as combat vehicles in various war zones around the world. These vehicles of combat have acquired the pejorative term ‘drone’ as these aircraft have ‘no intelligence’ and only respond by attacking positions identified by forward personnel on the ground…
Imagine a country without any basic administration of land – their key asset. Imagine that tenure to land and property cannot be secured, and that mortgage loans cannot be established as a basis for property improvement. Imagine that the use and development of land is not controlled through overallplanning policies and regulations.