News Update

Barchart enhances yield forecast model with integration of Planet data

Aug 2024 | No Comment

Barchart, a provider of technology, data and workflow solutions for commodity firms and agribusinesses, announces a significant enhancement to its yield forecast model for US corn and soybeans through the integration of data from Planet Labs PBC, a global provider of high-resolution satellite imagery.  This collaboration marks a milestone in Barchart’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge agricultural insights to its clients.

Barchart’s enhanced yield forecasts, now powered by Planet’s advanced satellite data, provide daily updates accessible via API or within cmdtyView, Barchart’s premier solution for market intelligence, analysis, and risk management.

The improved model offers national and state levels as well as county-level estimates, which have become increasingly vital following their discontinuation by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.  By leveraging Planet’s data, Barchart can now provide measurements with improved accuracy of US soil conditions and yield throughout the growing season.

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