Articles tagged with: Industry

Leica ScanStation C10, builder total stations
Leica Geosystems announced the new Leica ScanStation C10, a laser scanner for as-built and topographic surveys. It provides users with a combination of greater versatility, reduced cost of ownership, and even higher productivity for scanning. With the Leica Builder, Leica has designed a tailored measuring tool for anybody on or around a construction site who needs a simple, intuitive yet innovative and powerful measuring tool. From simple tasks to professional all-day use, it offers a scalable product family that meets the needs for almost any construction job.

Ordnance Survey works with GRACE
GRACE – the GNSS Research and Applications Centre of Excellence – has recently worked with Great Britain’s national mapping agency, Ordnance Survey. A team from GRACE carried out data collection at various sites to test potential new GNSS survey equipment.
Leica CloudWorx™ 1.0 for SmartPlant
Leica CloudWorx™ 1.0 for SmartPlant 3D was recently released by Leica. It is designed for Intergraph SmartPlant 3D users who want to take full advantage of accurate, laser scan asbuilt data directly in SmartPlant 3D. Leica has also released the QuickSteer motor – a new retrofi t option for farmers who want to add auto-steer functionality to their older tractors. It can be added to a wide range of agricultural vehicles that do not have factory-installed steering kits.