Articles in the GNSS News Category

Jan 2020 | No Comment

Advanced Navigation raises $13M for global expansion, R&D
Australian-based Advanced Navigation, which develops artificial intelligencebased navigation technologies for robotics and self-driving vehicles, this week announced it has raised $13 million in a Series A funding round.
The round was led by Main Sequence Ventures’ CSIRO Innovation Fund, along with Brick & Mortar Ventures and In-Q-Tel. …

Dec 2019 | No Comment

SPARC – SBAS simulation platform for authentication reliable concepts
The European Commission is exploring the possibility of improving the security of the SBAS service. SBAS data is currently trusted by end users, even if the navigation data (and signals) are not protected. The objective of the SPARC project is to identify a viable solution to …

Nov 2019 | No Comment

GPS III ground system operations contingency program nearing operational acceptance
The Global Positioning System enterprise reached another major milestone on Oct. 21, when the GPS III Contingency Operations Program (COps) successfully connected with the first GPS III satellite on orbit. The COps system will allow the Air Force to operationally command and control the new, more …

Oct 2019 | No Comment

Dr Santiago Perea Diaz receives Parkinson award
The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) Satellite Division presented Dr. Santiago Perea Diaz with its Bradford W. Parkinson Award September 20, 2019 at the ION GNSS+ Conference in Miami, Florida.
Dr. Perea Diaz was recognized for graduate student excellence in Global Navigation Satellite Systems in his thesis, “Design of an …

Sep 2019 | No Comment

US Space Command established
In a move to enhance the United States’ space superiority capabilities, President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike R. Pence, Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper and Air Force Gen. John W. Raymond formally established the United States Space Command during a ceremony held Aug. 30 at the White House.
At the …

Aug 2019 | No Comment

Galilleo GNSS Service restored
Carlos des Dorides, executive director of the GSA made the following statement after restoration of GNSS services over the Galilleo satellite constellation.
“As members of the GNSS community, you are all undoubtedly aware of the recent technical incident that resulted in the temporary interruption of Galileo navigation and timing services.
The technical incident originated …

Jul 2019 | No Comment

NASA launches a Deep Space Atomic Clock
NASA launches Deep Space Atomic Clock on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched on June 24. It is similar to the atomic clocks found in GPS satellites but 50 times more stable. The technology will be a critical part of onboard navigation systems for future spacecraft and will …

Jun 2019 | No Comment

China launches BeiDou satellite
China launched a new satellite for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The satellite was launched on a Long March-3C carrier rocket, and is also the fourth BDS-2 backup satellite and 45th satellite of the BDS satellite family.
$4.6 million to be invested in …

May 2019 | No Comment

Another Beidou navigation satellite successfully launched
Another satellite to join the China’s independent global navigation network successfully launched from the mountainous Xichang spaceport in the southwest of the country. With this, China has launched 44 Beidou satellites since 2000, including test models no longer in operation, and previous-generation spacecraft that provided regional navigation coverage over …

Apr 2019 | No Comment

UK makes major breakthrough in atomic clocks
Researchers from the Emergent Photonics Lab (EPic Lab) at the University of Sussex have made a breakthrough in developing atomic clocks, which could mean accessing a satellite signal would be unnecessary. Dr Alessia Pasquazi from the EPic Lab explained the breakthrough:
“With a portable atomic clock, an ambulance, …