Articles in the GIS News Category

Mar 2018 | No Comment

Mapping Agency transforms into Geo-Spatial Information Agency
Ethiopian Mapping Agency is pondering a structural reform following the legislation of a proclamation which also changed its name to Ethiopian Geo-Spatial Information Agency.
In the reformation process, the Agency will add new directorates and departments, according to Tesfamikael Taffesse, communications director of the Agency.
The Agency was …

Feb 2018 | No Comment

Large-scale solar parks in Madhya Pradesh, India
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) and Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited (RUMSL) signed an agreement for financing the shared infrastructure of two large Solar Parks in Madhya Pradesh on 31st January 2018. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), World Bank & IREDA have been able …

Jan 2018 | No Comment

Blue Marble Geographics has announced that Beijing E-Carto Technologies Co., Ltd. has joined the growing list of partner companies reselling and supporting Blue Marble’s products throughout the world.…

Dec 2017 | No Comment

EarthSense releases map of air pollution in UK
EarthSense Systems has published MappAir – the first ever high resolution nationwide map of air pollution. Combining data from satellites and its own air quality monitoring sensors together with open source data, it has used complex modelling techniques to create the highly accurate map.
Initially available for …

Nov 2017 | No Comment

Centre for Spatial Analytics and Advanced GIS in Bengaluru
Under the aegis of NIAS Council of Management (COM) and with support from Tata Trusts, Centre for Spatial Analytics and Advanced GIS (C-SAG) has been established in Bengaluru. This Centre will work in the field of Spatial Analytics and advanced GIS to develop Intellectual Property (IP) …

Oct 2017 | No Comment

Airports Authority of India released national register 2017
Airports Authority of India (AAI) which is managing 126 airports (including Civil Enclaves) have taken up the onerous task of preparing a comprehensive National Register containing details of all Civil Airports/ Airstrips in the country and the work carried out is first of its kind. The details …

Sep 2017 | No Comment

EarthSense to provide Real Time Air Quality Monitoring
EarthSense Systems is equipping commercial delivery vehicles with air pollution sensors as part of a project to test the performance and emissions of low-carbon lorries. Using their state-of-the-art Zephyr air quality monitoring sensors, it will collect real-time pollution measurements to help develop zero-emission running strategies for a …

Aug 2017 | No Comment

Coastal Protection in Thailand by SuperSurv 10
Supergeo has announced that the cuttingedge mobile GIS app- SuperSurv 10 has been selected by a government agency that is in charge of protecting marine and coastal resources in Thailand for spatial data collection. The core mission of this department is to conserve and restore the precious flora …

Jul 2017 | No Comment

Teledyne CARIS reacts to IHO request to support latest ENC Validation Standard
CARIS™ has announced the adoption of Edition 6.0 of IHO Publication S-58 for ENC validation checks, in the latest re lease of CARIS S-57 Composer™ 3.1.Its internal and customized quality control tests have been reorganized, rewritten and extended to match the standard. New …

May 2017 | No Comment

SuperGIS Server 10
After releasing the next-gen desktop GIS – SuperGIS Desktop 10 as well as mobile GIS- SuperSurv 10 and SuperPad 10, Supergeo will spare no effort to propel the development of SuperGIS Server 10! It will introduce a practical tool called Web Mapper in SuperGIS Server 10.
With Web Mapper, there will be …