Articles in the Issue Category

Adding GRACE to GNSS
National Land Records Modernisation Programme: Misson Possible
Flight Evaluation of a GPS Attitude Determination Algorithm
Dr Nelson Paiva Oliveira Leite and Prof Dr
Fernand o Walter
A sensor architecture for high precision UAS navigation
Luca Garbarino, Vittorio Di Vito, Ettore De Lellis, Carmine Marrone, Federico Corraro

Exploring the moon in three dimension
P K Srivastava, B Gopala Krishna and Amitabh
A sensor architecture for high precision UAS navigation
Luca Garbarino, Vittorio Di Vito, Ettore De Lellis, Carmine Marrone, Federico Corraro
Calibration Method of IMU Based only accelerometers
Wu Junwei
Taking Geomatics to greater heights in India
P Misra

The dangers of GPS/GNS
Börje Forssell
Challenges before National Mapping Organisations
Vanessa Lawrence CB, P Nag, Lam Joon Khoi
Quality evaluation of NRTK correction transmission
Lei Yang, Chris Hill, Xiaolin Meng and Jose Aponte
Accuracy performance of hand-held GPS
Abdullah S Alsalman and Abdullah E Ali
Geomatics in Pakistan
A W Mir

Signal design criteria and parametric analysis
F Zanier, M Crisci, M Luise
Voices of Future
George Cho,
Adam Yau, Chris Goodall, Deok Won Lim, Hedeki Yamada, Karla Edwards, Malambo Moonga Lonesome, Ruzinoor Che
Mat, Sheelan SH.Vaez, Simone Savasta, Suddhasheel Ghosh Susham Biswas, Thilantha Lakmal Dammalage, Xiaofan Li
Land record information system
Dr Aruns Saxena, Sanjeev Saxena And Akanksha Patil

Accurate geo-referencing and DSM generation with HRSI
Armin Gruen
Navigation in India: smooth sail or a bumpy ride
Amit Prasad, Shivalik Prasad, Ashutosh Pande, Raghvendra Krishnamurthy Shashank N Dhaneshwar, Alok Shankar
Yes, we can!
Is surveying a dying profession?
Francis W Derby
Surveying is not a dying profession
AW Mir
Understanding land administration systems
Ian P Williamson, Stig Enemark, Jude Wallace, Abbas Rajabifard

Survey and GIS: Finding the missing links Gary A Jeffress, Bruce Carlson, Gary R Kent, Matthew Smith, TN Wong
Galileo E5 signal acquisition strategies Nagaraj C Shivaramaiah, Andrew G Dempster
The way we walk
Alexandra Millonig
Fuzzy logic approach for sustainable land use planning
Novaline Jacob and Krishnan R