Articles in the Interviews Category


Jul 2013 | No Comment

senseFly drones were developed to off er end users a comprehensive mapping system that is both easy to use and portable without the need to be an experienced pilot. With our systems being the lightest in the industry at less than 700 grams and compact enough to fit into a single hand luggage case transportation is not a problem even to remote launch sites.

Apr 2013 | No Comment

It has come to our notice that Google India organised a competition called ‘Mapathon 2013’ wherein they invited the public to participate in mapping their neighbourhoods. These maps were then supposed to be uploaded on the website of the US-based search engine.

Jan 2013 | No Comment

The major application of Geoinformatics in rural development sector primarily are natural resources development, watershed development, Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Scheme asset monitoring, rural roads, drinking water & sanitation, rural health, agriculture, animal husbandry, minor irrigation, soil conservation, afforestation, disaster management, land records & revenue and a host of other related applications…

Jan 2013 | No Comment

NIRD’s primary mission is economic and social development of rural people, particularly rural poor and the underprivileged. We undertake capacity development of functionaries involved in rural development across the country…

Jan 2013 | No Comment

We are organizing exclusive training programme for our member countries on Geoinformatics at least one every year. Usually, we have collaborative partner from India, the National Institute of Rural development. This programme is highly rated and there is demand for it…

Oct 2012 | No Comment

Ashtech OEM products are intended to help OEM, VAR and Integrators to quickly and easily integrate high-end GNSS positioning and/ or heading/attitude determination into their own application. We do not address specifics vertical markets, our customers do!

Sep 2012 | No Comment

The key issue in the region is harmonization, which is not just a regional issue but rather a global matter. Within the region, different countries are at different stages of development, from Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems to procedures and airspace designs—some are quite advanced while others are just getting started.

Sep 2012 | No Comment

Considering the transformational rate of growth in passenger traffic, airline fleet and the aircraft movements anticipated in the next few decades, the challenges that confront aviation are the need for matching airport/CNS-ATM infrastructure, airport/airspace capacity enhancement and technology up gradation.

Sep 2012 | No Comment

The primary objective of ISAC is to build satellites to meet national requirement of the country in various application areas like satellite-based communication, navigation, national natural resources management, oceanography, meteorology, cartography and exploration of outer space and other planets, etc.

Jul 2012 | No Comment

Surveyors have a rich history and recognized longstanding contribution to societies worldwide. This will always be part of the surveyors’ identity and I don’t think using new technology will change that. I don’t think maintaining domain identity is exclusive of integration. There is a big difference between integrating technologies and integrating professions. Surveyors have many new tools producing large amounts of data, such as LiDAR, highprecision imagery, and GPS.