Articles in the Interviews Category

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on “DiMAC Systems to provide a new approach to digital aerial cameras’’

Mr. Julien LOSSEAU, COO of Dimac Systems s.a.r.l. in an exclusive tete a tete with Coordinates magazine during ISPRS Congress in Beijing

According to him, DIMAC Systems truly believes that behind its mission and desire to offer a new product lies something even more significant: the will to provide a new approach …

Jul 2008 | Comments Off on “IRS is better positioned to meet the user demands”

K R Sridhara Murthi, Managing Director, Antrix Corporation Limited on Cartosat and high resolution imagery market

How much more evolved is …

Jun 2008 | Comments Off on “Design is critical for infrastructure management”

Says, lisa Campbell, Vice President, Geospatial Solutions, Autodesk Inc

Tell us about autodesk’s geospatial solutions
Autodesk provide solutions to design, …

Jun 2008 | Comments Off on New GNSS will cause a synergetic effect and not chaos

Sergey Revnivykh, Deputy Director General, Head of PNT Information Analysis Center of the Central Research Institute of Machine …

May 2008 | Comments Off on “Improved infrastructure changes people’s lives”

What is the Future Cities India 2020 program?
Future Cities India 2020 was inspired by the U.S.-based National Engineers Week Future City Competition. That program, which is in its 16th year, reaches more than 30,000 students annually. Bentley sponsors the Future City Competition National Finals and also chairs its …

May 2008 | Comments Off on “Navigation on cellphones is the next big wave”

How do you see the prospects of GPS enabled mobile handsets?
Nokia sees that location based experiences, such as mapping and navigation as a fundamental platform in mobile devices going forward. With mobile phones becoming an integral part of their lives, consumers are looking at more and more …

May 2008 | Comments Off on “It is difficult to discern an all-encompassing trend in Asia”

What are the key market segments you focus on?
Canalys was formed 10 years ago, and we now have a range of services covering various market segments. These include our Mobile services, which comprise …

Jan 2008 | Comments Off on “The customer should benefit”

Ajay Seth,
Managing Director of Elcome Technologies on being acquired by Hexagon

What was the thought behind this acquisition?

The Indian market is growing very rapidly. From Hexagon’s perspective as well as the Indian point of view, we need to grow faster and this requires investment. Hexagon could help us achieve this …

Dec 2007 | No Comment

Rakesh Verma

CEO, MapMyIndia,

CE Systems on navigation market in India

How do you see the success of the Navigator in India where we culturally depend on word of mouth for directions?
There is a significant need for a GPS navigation device for all India . Depending on word of mouth for directions has set in as culture in …

Nov 2007 | No Comment

JUPEM is working in tune with new technologies. One of the biggest project is e-Cadastre project. The project has started this year and will be completed by the end of next year. The project envisages a complete digital cadastral database of high quality and integrity. For this purpose, advance techniques and methodologies have been employed like GPS etc.