Articles in the Interviews Category

Oct 2009 | Comments Off on “The infrastructure community is facing the relentless pressures of a difficult economy”

Bentley has introduced the ‘Be Employable’ initiative. Can you explain what it is designed to accomplish?
Malcolm Walter: Worldwide, the infrastructure community is facing the relentless pressures of a diffi cult economy, and the downsizing of design and engineering organizations has become widespread. Bentley’s mission of ‘sustaining infrastructure’ encompasses the need to ‘sustain the professions’ that design, build, and operate our infrastructure, and the Be Employable program is dedicated to doing just that.

Sep 2009 | Comments Off on “Bhuvan is a visualisation tool for showcasing India’s imaging capabilities and societal applications using remote sensing.”

says Dr V Jayaraman, Director, National Remote

Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation,

in an exclusive interview with Coordinates magazine

on ‘Bhuvan’


How do you envisage the role of Bhuvan?
The role is very clear; it is an Indian Earth Observation visualisation portal. Over the past two decades, ISRO has spearheaded myriad unique applications …

Aug 2009 | Comments Off on “Software development is our main focus”

Is the name DAT/EM an acronym, or is there some other signifi cance behind it?
DAT/EM (pronounced dāt’-əm) is an acronym for Digital Automated Technology / Engineering Mapping. The software was developed internally between 3 production mapping fi rms located in the United States in the mid 1980’s. As such, our software was conceived in a production environment to meet the demanding technical needs of top-fl ight photogrammetric organizations. Since the fi rst data collection licenses were sold in 1987 (on analogue stereoplotters), we have never lost sight of the need for constant improvement of the software. We have always understood if the software tools can save a user one key-stroke (or more!) on a repetitive command, this will have a direct and positive infl uence on the company’s profi tability.

May 2009 | Comments Off on “Continued innovation is a primary driver for us”

Says Steve Berglund, president and CEO of Trimble in an exclusive interview with Coordinates

Can you describe some defining …

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on “Our motto: Right features, Right time, Right price”


An interview with François Erceau, Vice President and General Manager, …

Mar 2009 | Comments Off on “We have the ability to tie the IMU and GNSS measurement data together”

An interview with Mr Jason Hamilton Product Manager, SPAN group and Waypoint …

Jan 2009 | Comments Off on “With slashed products prices, coming days ill see improved web based services”

says Dr V Jayaraman, director, National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation, in …

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on “NSDI must be used by common man”


Dr R Siva Kumar CEO National Spatial Data Infrastructure on status and directions of NSDI in India


We are not hearing much about NSDI? What is the status of NSDI?
The vision behind NSDI is to make data available and accessible. Keeping this objective in mind policies and framework are formulated. Various aspects of …

Nov 2008 | Comments Off on “The whole industry has been overly optimistic”


How crucial is India for Wayfinder?
India is a very promising market. Our services are all based …

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on “The success of NSDI lies in new and innovative applications’’

Ir.Rudolf W.Matindas, Head of Bakosurtanal (National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping) …