The ‘Namuru’ Open GNSS Research Receiver: An update

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on The ‘Namuru’ Open GNSS Research Receiver: An update

Dynamic test

The dynamic test is designed to exercise the receiver tracking loops. The airplane scenario is convenient as it is easy to calculate cross-track and height errors, and provides a constant acceleration of around 1.6G. Time series plots for crosstrack and height errors are shown, as well as a table of statistics.


The Namuru project has reached a significant milestone – we have a proven circuit board, reference baseband design and application software. The performance of the receiver during static and dynamic tests has been shown to be comparable to a well established receiver. A new circuit board is on the way, offering dual front ends, USB 2, a bigger FPGA part and more memory. The main hitch is the application software, and plans are underway to tackle this issue.



GPS Architect 12 Channel GPS Development System (1997) Mitel Semiconductor

Namuru FPGA GPS tracking module Data Sheet, Issue 1.1 2006, http://

PARKINSON, K., DEMPSTER, A., MUMFORD, P., RIZOS, C. 2006. Improving signal quality in FPGA based GPS receiver designs. Symp. on GPS/GNSS, Surfers Paradise, Australia, 17-21 July

MUMFORD, P., PARKINSON, K., DEMPSTER, A. 2006. An Open GNSS Receiver Research Platform. Symp. on GPS/GNSS, Surfers Paradise, Australia, 17-21 July

MUMFORD, P., PARKINSON, K., & ENGEL, F., 2006. An open GNSS receiver platform architecture. Coordinates, 2(1), 28-31

Signav, 2005. MG5000 Series GPS Receiver User Guide, MG5-200-GUIDS-User Guide- B.T11

ENGEL, F., HEISER, G., MUMFORD, P., PARKINSON, K., & RIZOS, C., 2004. An open GNSS receiver platform architecture. Journal of GPS, 3(1-2), 63-69.

Open GNSS Projects web page at OpenGnssProjects


Peter Mumford

Researcher, Satellite Positioning and Navigation (SNAP)
Group, Surveying & SIS, University of New South Wales,
Sydney Australia

Kevin Parkinson

Design Engineer, Currently completing a Master of
Engineering degree at the University of New South Wales
SNAP Group.

Andrew Dempster

A/Professor, Director of research, Surveying & SIS,
University of New South Wales,
Sydney Australia.
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Steve Berglund
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