
Open series map No. E 44 M 11 (56 K / 11), 1: 50,000 scale, 1st Edition 2012, Survey of India

Feb 2014 | No Comment

N K Agrawal

Former Director, Indian Institute of Surveyingand Mapping (STI), Hyderabad, India

It is good to note that the above map is available on glossy paper and price at Rs. 85/- only. The critique is given in the following points:

Under the heading NOTES.

The two notes are given:

• Note 2, Heights are in metres and above Indian Mean Sea Level.

• Note 4, The triangulated heights and contours in this sheet have not been adjusted to the heights of the spirit leveled bench marks and may not be strictly in accordance with them.

It appears that Note no. 2 has been given in view of the map being on WGS 84 datum. It would therefore be appropriate to make it clear in the notes that Vertical datum in this map is Indian Mean Sea Level. This map has been published as “1st Edition 2012”. I have a copy of the same map which was published as “1st Edition 2006” published under the direction of previous surveyor general Major General M. Gopal Rao. The anomaly needs correction. It is good to note that qualifications of the Surveyor General do not appear on the map whereas these appeared in the previous map, 1st Edition 2006.

In the COMPILATION INDEX, it is shown that western half part of map marked A and C, has been compiled from 1:25000 scale maps surveyed during 1971-72. Eastern half marked B has been compiled from 1:50000 scale map surveyed during 1972-73. Maps 56K/11/NE 1st Edition 1998 and 56K/11/SE 1st Edition 2000 on 1:25000 scale comprising eastern half marked B. It is hard to imagine as to why these maps surveyed during 1996-97 were not used to compile the map under review. It is certainly improper to use 1:50000 map of 1972-73 survey ignoring 1996- 97 survey maps on 1:25000 scale. This has resulted in many errors/omissions in the map under review. This needs to be explained to user public by the concerned authorities as tax payer’s money is involved.

Colour scheme needs improvement. Temples, mosques, churches etc. shown in black seem obliterated due to dark colour of building blocks. Temples, mosques, churches etc. are being shown in black. It will be better if these are shown in red as s being done earlier. Needs reconsideration.

It will be better if due importance to DISTRICT and STATE is given by showing them as Heading as was being done earlier. It is felt that due consideration and attention is paid to all laid down principles given in chapters of Survey of India.

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