Jan 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS –LBS
First indoors GPS application for Nokia Phones
Tagggit has launched their mobile application for Nokia S60 phones with an accurate Indoors GPS. It can fi nd a phone’s position indoors, within a few seconds and accurate to 15 feet. |
Genasys and CellTrack to provide LBS platform in Pakistan
Genasys and CellTrack for shall launch an LBS project in Pakistan from the fi rst quarter of 2009. CellTrack has signed agreements with two operators, Ufone and Zong, to launch LBS in this country.
Vodafone to acquire Wayfi nder for $29.4m
Vodafone announced a takeover bid on Wayfi nder System for $29.4 million. The board of directors of Wayfi nder Systems AB unanimously recommended the public offer from Vodafone Europe. www.wayfi |
Theft of car navigation systems rising rapidly: NPA, Japan
According to National Police Agency in Japan, growing demand has seen thefts of car navigation systems increase rapidly in recent months. In the January- June period alone, there were 18,705 such cases. |
Polaris Wireless for Intercept Applications with Accurate Location
Polaris Wireless announced the deployment of lawful intercept location solution that allows Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) to pinpoint the precise location of handsets for Lawful Intercept (LI) measures. The solution is based on the company’s Wireless Location Signatures (Polaris WLSTM™) technology. |
TeleNav launches Vehicle Tracker with AT&T and GPS PND
AT&T Inc. has added TeleNav Vehicle Tracker to its portfolio of enterprise mobility services. It is a GPS-enabled device that is hard-wired or embedded onto a vehicle. It has also unveiled TeleNav Shotgun, two-way, Internet-connected GPS PND which leverages the wireless network to provide real-time, connected features for business travelers |
Nokia shop in India attacked by mob over mapping software dispute
The Nokia mapping software which shows Indian claimed Kashmir as being part of Pakistan, lead to a shop being attacked in central Jabalpur city in Madhya Pradesh state in India. The attack was lead by activists of the youth wing of the Hindu nationalist opposition party, the BJP. Political sensitivities are an increasing problem for map making software vendors – such as how to deal with disputed borders or even national claims on areas such as Taiwan or Cyprus. Back in 2001, Panasonic had a 12 month ban import imposed on it for selling phones in China which listed Taiwan as a separate country on the internal phonebook. |
Sygic and Tele Atlas team up to power McGuider 2009
Sygic and Tele Atlas, have launched McGuider® Europe 2009, the next generation of the software that turns users’ mobile devices into powerful navigation systems. |
VTI Technologies: Accurate navigation now possible without GPS
VTI Technologies has announced an MEMS-based pedestrian navigation solution demonstrator. It is a small wearable device and relies solely on the information provided from the sensors within the device. It is ideal for navigating in areas when there is no GPS reception. |
3DVU releases enhanced version of Navi2Go software
3DVU has released new version of Navi2Go, its voice guided turn-byturn mobile navigation application, which supports Symbian S60- based |
SLN Technologies to market vehicle tracking device in India
India’s SLN Technologies has signed a deal with FleetM8, UK for marketing of vehicle tracking device in the Indian subcontinent, which can either be used via a mobile phone. |
NIM integrates INRIX Total Fusion Traffic into Mobile Navigation
Networks In Motion (NIM) will use Total Fusion Traffic data from INRIX to enhance its AtlasBook Navigator™ application for mobile devices, empowering the AtlasBook user with the most accurate ETAs, optimal route recommendations and timely traffi c alerts available on the market. |
Microsoft Research, India develops Map Search for unstructured data
Microsoft Research India has developed technology allowing users to search maps in India where the addresses are often not in a structured format. Its called Robust Location Search.The technology is generic and has been designed to be deployed in any country that has unstructured addresses.http://research. |
Microsoft to launch NAVTEQ navigator in India
NAVTEQ has been chosen by Microsoft to supply map data for Microsoft’s Live Search Map in India. Features include Business Lookup, Category browsing, 1-Click Directions etc. |