Dec 2009 | Comments Off on REMOTE SENSING
DigitalGlobe signs agreement with Microsoft
DigitalGlobe has signed an agreement with Microsoft to launch the Clear30 program, an initiative to distribute high-resolution, 30-cm aerial imagery of contiguous landscapes, initially in the U.S. and Western Europe.
China to build satellite launch center
A new satellite launch center is now under construction near Wenchang in China’s Hainan province. It will be the country’s fourth satellite launch centre and replace the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre.
GeoEye-1 Multi-Site option available
AAMHatch’s Multi-Site product is now available for 50cm GeoEye-1 satellite imagery. Multi-Site, already available for 80cm IKONOS imagery, allows clients interested in multiple captures over small areas to acquire the higher resolution GeoEye-1 satellite imagery.
Indian students design satellite
A team of engineering students from southern India have been designing a small light-weight satellite supported by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). All the 40 students from seven colleges in Bangalore and Hyderabad are working together at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology in Bangalore. The satellite will be used for remote-sensing applications and will orbit the earth at an altitude of 700 kilometers and will send 30 minutes of data everyday. The students have already built a master-control ground station to track the location of the satellite in space.
SPOT satellite data of North America
USGS in partnership with Spot Image Corporation, has begun to distribute, over the Internet, SPOT satellite data collected over parts of North America between 1986 and 1998. The USGS is distributing this data at no charge through the USGS Earth Explorer search and order tool.
NRSC to monitor irrigation projects
Government of India has decided to assign the National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC) to monitor 50 irrigation projects using satellite imagery. The satellite imagery will be used to confirm the progress made by states in carrying out irrigation projects under the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP).
Satellite Bush Fire site for Indonesia
Indonesia’s latest weapon in the fight against damaging forest fires is a website called Indofire – a collaborative project between two Indonesian government departments: Ministry of Forestry, and the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). It was developed by the Western Australian state government agency Landgate, and funded by Ausaid. The system uses the MODIS sensor on NASA’s Aqua and Tera satellites to map the position of hot spots, and a web interface to get the information out to a user community.
Eurockot launches SMOS and Proba-2
The second satellite in ESA’s Earth Explorer series-the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission-and the second demonstration satellite under ESA’s Project for Onboard Autonomy (Proba-2) have been launched. SMOS will play a key role in the monitoring of climate change on a global scale. It is the first ever satellite designed both to map sea surface salinity and to monitor soil moisture on a global scale. It features a unique interferometric radiometer that will enable passive surveying of the water cycle between oceans, the atmosphere and land.