News Update

New GPS SmartSole begins testing and certification

May 2021 | No Comment

GTX Corp, a pioneer in the field of location based wearable GPS human and asset tracking systems and a supplier of Health and Safety personal protective medical equipment, has announced it will begin testing its new Cat M1 LTE SmartSoles across North America, Europe and Australia, and will begin the regulatory certification process for FCC/IC and CE. The following week will begin the device network certification with Verizon, which will be providing the cellular connectivity for the North American market. GTX will also be testing with Orange and Telefonica for connectivity in Europe and Australia.

The patented and award-winning GPS SmartSoles were designed to address the unprecedented crisis related to Alzheimer’s and autism challenges that the World continues to face. Every person diagnosed that is not bedbound, is at risk of wandering and becoming lost. Wandering is one of the most common, complex, burdensome, and costly behaviours of the disease and is a safety issue with far reaching implications for the person with the disease, their caregiver, law enforcement and health care providers such as Medicare, Medicaid, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institute of Health (NIH).

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