Oct 2021 | No Comment

Three GPS III space vehicles “Available for Launch”

The U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command recently declared the eighth GPS III satellite as “Available for Launch.” This significant accomplishment officially marks the third space vehicle within the GPS III program to be declared available for launch in the past three months.

GPS III SV06, SV07, and SV08 are now awaiting official call up for launch in Lockheed Martin’s GPS III Processing Facility in Waterton, Colorado.

GPS III satellites deliver enhanced performance and accuracy through a variety of improvements, including increased signal protection and improved accuracy. GPS III also expands the civilian L5 signal, dubbed the “safety-of-life” signal, currently broadcast by the 12 GPS IIF satellites, but not yet operational, and delivers a new L1C signal designed to grant interoperability to similar international space-based position, navigation and timing systems around the world.

Research project to advance military engineering

Mississippi State University is leading a $7.8 million U.S. Department of Defense project to advance military engineering capabilities.

The multidisciplinary project is led by MSU’s Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems and funded through the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg. Utilizing a wide-range of university research expertise, the three-year project focuses on remote sensing, developing the next generation of materials for force protection, force projection technologies and mobility modeling and simulation.

The research conducted at MSU aims to develop new technologies to enhance ERDC’s military engineering and force protection capabilities in support of national defense. Technical focus areas include sensor analytics and remote sensing, as well as the use of geo-materials, advanced, highstrength steels and future technologies for force protection and projection. MSU researchers will develop advanced materials and systems, garnering new insights into the protection capabilities of next generation materials used in military efforts. They also will conduct autonomous vehicle modeling and simulation for navigation in cold environments.

Topnet Live GNSS network

Topcon Positioning Group announces an expansion of the Topnet Live Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) network of correction solutions to support today’s work environments. The newly expanded global network now has more types of correction services and subscription options. The flexible service options include Realpoint, the Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) service, and Starpoint, a Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service. The different services have varying delivery methods, coverage, and reliable centimeter-level accuracy.

M-code military GPS receiver by BAE Systems

BAE Systems, Inc. unveiled its ultrasmall MicroGRAM-M GPS receiver compatible with next-generation M-Code military GPS signals that are resistant to jamming and spoofing. About the size of a postage stamp, it is the world’s smallest, lightest, and most power-efficient M-Code embedded GPS receiver – delivering assured positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) for sizeconstrained and other micro-applications.

MicroGRAM-M features rapid secure GPS signal acquisition, enhanced security and resiliency, anti-jamming and antispoofing capabilities, and the industry’s lowest power consumption for an M-Code device.

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