Mar 2008 | Comments Off on GALILEO UPDATES
Study on Galileo services consolidation
The European GNSS Supervisory Authority has issued a call for tenders for a study on Galileo service consolidation. The general aim of the project is to conduct a critical review of the current Galileo integrity baseline concept, based on the evolution of integrity requirements for Galileo, and receive proposals for new global Galileo integrity concepts. For details visit: http://ted.europa. eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:039425- 2008:TEXT:EN:HTML |
Parliamentary committee proposal would abolish GNSS Supervisory Authority
A proposal before the European Parliament’s Industry Committee would abolish the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA), turn responsibility for ensuring the Galileo system’s security requirements over to a new Committee on European GNSS Programs, and establish an Interinstitutional Monitoring Group (IMG) consisting of representatives of the parliament, the European Council’s Presidency, and the European Commission (EC). The proposed actions amending the EC’s draft regulation for deployment and commercial operation of Galileo were tentatively approved at a January 30 committee meeting. The Industry Committee opted for abolishing the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA), which was originally set upas the licensing authority for the private undertaking within the then-planned public private partnership or PPP. The EC’s regulation would continue the GSA under the direction of the EC’s Directorate-General on Transport and Energy (DG-TREN), with responsibility for security measures, market development, and general assistance to the commission in Galileo matters. |
EU nears deal on financing for Galileo project
The European Union is likely to back a taxpayer-financed bailout of its troubled Galileo satellite navigation project after a group of skeptical countries agreed in principle that money could be diverted to salvage the plan. The member countries decided that unused funds originally allocated for farm subsidies and scientific and industrial projects should be earmarked to pay for Galileo and for a technology institute. financing-for-galileo-project-3/ |
Second Galileo spacecraft prepares for launch
GIOVE-B has successfully completed its test campaign and will depart from ESTEC, the agency’s European Research and Technology Centre. The spacecraft will be flown to Baikonur, in Kazakhstan, from where it will be carried into orbit by a Starsem Soyuz/Fregat launch vehicle. The launch is scheduled for 04:16:02 local time on 27 April (00:16 CEST, 22:16 UTC [26 April]). |