Articles in the LBS News Category
Ruckus Wireless has unveiled the Ruckus Smart Positioning Technology (SPoT) service. This cloud-based service gives carriers, service providers and enterprises
The KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has developed sensorequipped footwear that, using sensors inside the heel of a boot, makes it possible for incidents…
SPIRIT DSP announced that SPIRIT Navigation and the EADS Russian Technology Office had successfully tested the prototype of the indoor positioning solution for mobile devices at both the EADS Russia offices and the Afimall Shopping Center in Moscow. The solution is unique in providing precise positioning inside buildings without the need to install dedicated beacons transmitting special signals.
The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has published an Open Positioning Framework (OPF) which is a set of standards and protocols which will help reduce the time and costs involved in developing and deploying Mobile Positioning and Analytics Services (MPAS) and enable more businesses in various sectors to reap the benefits of location-based services.
ORBCOMM Inc has completed the acquisition of Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation’s (Comtech) Sensor Enabled Notification System (SENS) operation, which includes satellite hardware, network technology and web platforms. SENS is a market leader in providing one-way satellite products and services to more than 20,000 subscribers worldwide.
Microsoft and Nokia have decided to enter into a transaction whereby Microsoft will purchase substantially all of Nokia’s Devices & Services business, license Nokia’s patents, and license and use Nokia’s mapping services. Microsoft will pay EUR 3.79 billion to purchase substantially all of Nokia’s Devices & Services business…
NNG and Ayana Navigation Solutions (ANS) have jointly introduced a new Personal Navigation Device (PND) called the ANS Navigator A-501. This new offering has been designed to find a way over the problems faced by commuters in India due to our rather ‘unique’ infrastructure. The device has a 5-inch screen that runs on NNG’s iGO primo software. It is pre-loaded with the latest India maps and a total of over 7 million Points of Interest (POIs). The unit comes with a 1-year map update guarantee from NNG’s update portal Naviextras.
Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America (MBRDNA) is working on a way to take advantage of the Google’s newest GPS-equipped device: Google Glass.
Nokia has announced some details on the HERE Venue Maps available for Nokia Lumia devices and Bing Maps. It now features 49,000 buildings in 45 countries. This doesn’t only include shopping malls, but also stadiums, theme parks, historic streets, or other outdoor spaces, such as Carnaby Village and golf clubs. Nokia claims to create precise Venue…
ST-Ericsson has sold its GPS mobile business to Intel.ST-Ericsson, which focuses on mobile and wireless chips, announced the sale without naming the buyer. An Intel spokesman later said the US chipmaker bought the assets. http://