Articles in the GNSS News Category

Sep 2023 | No Comment

New Galileo station goes on duty
Galileo’s ground segment has gained a new asset, the Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C) facility — a 13.5-m parabola dish mounted on top of a 10-m high building structure of made of steel and concrete. It is based within Europe’s launch site in …

Aug 2023 | No Comment

Industry invited to bid for low-Earth orbit satnav demo
While GNSS will remain a fundamental backbone, for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) services to go on improving into the future, a new element will be required. ESA’s LEO-PNT satellites, approved at last year’s Ministerial conference, will test out this concept in practice, …

Jul 2023 | No Comment

Safran’s White Rabbit outperforms alternative PNT industry requirements
White Rabbit, an essential solution in Safran’s Navigation & Timing portfolio for critical infrastructure, recently received high praise in a landmark report from the European Commission (EC) Joint Research Center (JRC) to evaluate the effectiveness of Alternative Positioning, Navigation …

Jun 2023 | No Comment

Isro to launch navigational satellite for its constellation in May end
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), in the third launch of the year, will fly NVS-01 to augment the sevensatellite navigation constellation NavIC on May 29. Not only will it be the first launch of a navigational satellite under the …

Apr 2023 | No Comment

Synchronizing Galileo’s satellites with an ensemble of highperformance atomic clocks
Europe’s Galileo is a precise satellite navigation system, providing meter-level accuracy and precise timing. An essential ingredient to ensure this stays the case are the atomic clocks aboard each satellite, delivering pinpoint timekeeping that is maintained to a …

Mar 2023 | No Comment

Galileo signal component tested for Internet of Things use
One of Europe’s Galileo satellites has been reconfigured to emit a new signal component optimised to serve low-end receiver devices and Internet of Things applications.
The metre-level accuracy provided by Galileo’s Open Service makes it the world’s most accurate …

Mar 2023 | No Comment

FAA researching advanced RAIM for GPS approaches
An official evaluation of Advanced RAIM (ARAIM), a GPS technique used in aviation receivers for safer landings and take-offs, is being conducted by the William J. Hughes Technical Center (WJHTC) of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The WAAS Test Team at the technical center has begun to …

Feb 2023 | No Comment

Simulator uses GNSS to track railway positioning
A recent activity with TDE and Hitachi Rail in Italy, has developed a testbed simulator to see how GNSS can be utilised on a railway.
The Sim4Rail Project developed, verified, validated, installed and commissioned a simulation testbed, suitable for the of GNSS …

Dec 2022 | No Comment

Usage of NaviC system has increased in India
The Government of India has informed that the usage of Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (NaviC system) has increased in India. NavIC finds utilization in national projects like public vehicle safety, power grid synchronization, real-time train information system, fishermen safety, etc.
Other …

Nov 2022 | No Comment

ESA plans for low-orbiting navigation satellites
ESA’s Navigation Directorate is planning an in-orbit demonstration with new navigation satellites that will orbit just a few hundred kilometres up in space, supplementing Europe’s 23 222-kmdistant Galileo satellites. Operating added-value signals, these novel so-called ‘LEO-PNT’ satellites will investigate a new …