Articles in the GIS News Category

May 2006 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Ambulance Trusts join mapping agreement
Every ambulance trust in England is to benefit from greater access to Ordnance Survey’s most detailed digital geographic information (GI) from this month. It follows the launch of a pilot agreement aimed at encouraging the use of computerised mapping across the NHS. The plan is to ensure health providers have the reliable information they need to improve patient care while making the most effi cient possible use of their resources.

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Border inspection mapping operation
China and Nepal will jointly launch a border inspection mapping operation. Both countries will apply GPS to survey the border marks. The major mapping work will be done by Chinese workers and then workers from Nepal will check the mapping data and results. The Surveying and Mapping Bureau of Shaanxi, from northwest China, has been appointed to take the task and will form the main body of the China team. The first batch of mapping workers are scheduled to arrive in the China-Nepal border area next month and all the outdoor surveying is planned to finish by the end of September. It is expected that the final mapping outcome will be unveiled by the end of 2007.

Mar 2006 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Multimap Australasia announces online mapping deal Multimap, one of the online mapping providers, announced the implementation of its online mapping services for the Commonwealth Travel Services Corporation (CTC), at the Travel Distribution Summit in Singapore (14th & 15th February, 2006). Now, customers of one of the largest and most trusted travel and tour operators in Singapore can access content-rich, easy-to-read interactive maps of their…

Feb 2006 | No Comment

Digital Thailand to launch mapping service

A system has been developed to conduct satellite mapping specifically for Thailand. Starting in February,
Digital Thailand plans to begin distributing satellite maps on compact discs to interested public and students. Digital Thailand’s online map service, also being launched in February, also will be made available to the public.

Jan 2006 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Earth Commission: A new initiative in India
The Earth Commission — the first of its kind in any country, will pursue an integrated approach of research to tweak meteorological data for accuracy and reliability. Meteorologists, geo-physicists, oceanographers, atmospheric scientists and space scientists will pool their expertise.
CNR Rao, Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory Council, told HT, “We have taken a holistic view of earth science. Kapil Sibal (Science and Technology Minister) has endorsed our opinion. The Prime Minister has received our report. It (the new commission) will be placed before the cabinet for approval.” The Earth Commission will be structured along the lines of the space set-up, with three rungs, namely, the Earth Commission, the Department of Earth System Science (DESS) and the Earth System Science Organisation (ESSO). The commission, its department and research organisation will have a single head, just as with the space agency.

Nov 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

All roads lead to GIS…
…The Rural Road Development Project
The Rural Road Development Project, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) is using GIS for planning and decision making. An Online management tool OMMAS is being developed to populate the attribute data for GIS and provide access to the citizens to view status of various rural roads and other related information. Public Works Department Rajasthan is playing leading role in creating GIS data base and implementing the PMGSY Scheme. A customized standalone GIS software GRIMMS to run various queries related with planning of roads is being developed. Web GIS module is also being developed to make the complete system transparent and will allow citizens to access the information in spatial format related with PMGSY. C-DAC Pune is providing the technical assistance. Submitted by K.K.Mishra,

Oct 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Dubai Municipality launches three-dimensional Dubai guide
Dubai Municipality has recently developed an electronic, threedimensional guide for the Emirate of Dubai for the purpose of government departments and private sector establishments. According to Mohammed Al Zaffi ne, Director of the municipality’s GIS Centre which oversaw the guide’s preparation in cooperation with French Concept Digital Solutions, a private firm, the guide would offer 3-D modelling of the whole emirate of Dubai. He added that the guide would offer an interactive 3-dimentional view of the emirate of Dubai and a virtual movement within the emirate is also possible. Visitors can easily fi nd addresses in the emirate and they can spot registered companies and obtain their telephone numbers. Contributing companies can also display their services and products in the guide, in addition to hotels, shopping malls and other tourist landmarks.

Sep 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Indigenous community in Australia maps cultural data
Traditional landowners in north west Queensland, Australia will soon be recording and mapping their own cultural heritage sites under a new arrangement with the State Government. The Mt Isa-based Mitakoodi-Juhnjlar aboriginal people will be the first to be taught the technical skills needed to gather their own data. They will be learning skills on using GPS programs and secondly being able to record those results onto software which will then go to offi cial authorities for insertion into the official maps.

Aug 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

China’s first digital long distance pipeline
Ji-Ning line is China’s first pipeline featuring digital technologies. World advanced technologies are applied in it, including remote sensing technology, GIS, large database, virtual reality technology, web application technology, project management, enterprise resource planning, exploring a new idea and method of in the design and operation management of long-distance pipeline. Welding has been completed for over 700 kilometers along the Ji- Ning line (from Hengshui in north China’s Hebei Province to Nanjing in east China’s Jiangsu province) for West-East Gas Transmission project. The line extends across north and east China and connects the area around Bohai Sea with Yangtze River Delta. It is expected the main pipeline will be put into operation at year-end. The pipeline will put an end to the coal-dominated energy structure in the areas alongside.

Jul 2005 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

Indo-Canada to sign S&T agreement
India and Canada will sign a comprehensive agreement on science and technology later this year to give a boost to the research activities taking place in both countries and to help the transfer of technologies. Announcing this at a joint press conference with the Minister of Science and Technology, Kapil Sibal, the Canadian High Commissioner to India, Lucie Edwards said her country would sign such an ‘umbrella agreement’ for the first time in 25 years.
The collaborations this year will focus on five themes – Earth Sciences and Disaster Mitigation, Environmental and Climate Change Technologies and Alternative Fuels, Information and Communications Technology, Nano-technology and Nano-science, Biotechnology, Health Research and Medical Devices. She also disclosed that the recently released Canadian International Policy Statement “paid significant attention to India as well as Science and Technology and suggested key initiatives to support partnerships in this sector with key markets, like India”.
Mr Sibal announced that Canada will be the partner country in this year’s Technology Summit and Technology Platform to be held in New Delhi from September 21-22.