Articles in the GIS News Category


Mar 2010 | No Comment

Topographic Mapping Company announced the availability of LandScape™, Topographic’s new online GIS solution. This application provides users with an affordable resource for advanced GIS, using ESRI® ArcGIS® Server technology without the necessary investment in hardware, software, or even technical staff.
LandScape is hosted on TMC’s servers, and provides a secure login that can be accessed from …

Mar 2010 | No Comment

Intergraph announced it has released a new version of its SmartPlant 3D enterprise engineering design software with new capabilities for multiple 3D model referencing, enhanced model data reuse and laser scanning integration capabilities to further increase engineering design quality, productivity and accelerate project schedules.
SmartPlant 3D, available in both Plant and Marine versions, is the 3D …

Mar 2010 | No Comment

SuperGeo Technologies entered into a partnership with GeoEye, in order to supply high-resolution images to its customers for a complete geospatial solution. SuperGeo will be reselling GeoEye’s imagery products in Taiwan and bundle the images with SuperGeo’s other products, such as SuperGIS Desktop software, GIS Learning CD and other training materials, to provide a complete …

Mar 2010 | No Comment

CARIS announced the release of Spatial Fusion Enterprise (SFE) 5.2 as part of its Ping-to-Chart™ product suite. SFE is Web-enabling technology for geospatial information that aims at leveraging the investment of collecting and maintaining data by making it more visible and accessible to stakeholders. Web-mapping has been around for more than a decade and recent …

Feb 2010 | No Comment

GfK GeoMarketing released new maps for 35 Central American countries as part of its still ongoing update of its South American maps. The maps of the Central American countries Map Edition was digitized and refined using the latest cartographic sources. The level of detail corresponds to a conventional paper map scale of at least 1:100,000. …

Feb 2010 | No Comment

The Survey of India (SOI) has submitted detailed report of the aerial survey of Vadodara, Gujarat to prepare the base map of the city. The report will be used to prepare a detailed map with minute details, including underground installations. According to officials at Vadodara Municipal Corporation’s (VMC) Town Planning and Information Technology Department (VMC …

Feb 2010 | No Comment

Quorum Business Solutions announced the release of the latest version of Quorum GIS – a geospatial information system that helps manage GIS data for map presentation and spatial analysis of various data sources throughout the enterprise.
The latest release of Quorum GIS incorporates many enhancements that help improve and streamline operations throughout the land department and …

Feb 2010 | No Comment

Bentley Systems announced breakthroughs in 3D GIS software to support the design and operation of intelligent cities. Bentley’s intra-operable portfolio of software features lifecycle support across all classes of intelligent infrastructure, including land management, power generation and energy delivery, water and wastewater networks, roads, bridges, rail, communications networks, and buildings. The just-released V8i versions of …

Feb 2010 | No Comment

Chinese mapping authorities have worked out about 70,000 topographic charts and image graphics for the rural areas in the past year, as an effort to ensure each village has one map of its own. The State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping has also made more than 300 thematic maps and developed 18 GIS tailored for …

Feb 2010 | No Comment

In Africa, convergence has been happening between the web and geo as open source solutions such as MapServer, traditional GIS data has been made accessible to millions of people through the web. These innovative tools have inspired the proprietary GIS companies as well. So indeed, geo and web have really taken off, according to Mark …