Articles in the GIS – New Category
GIS mapping in smart city in Odisha, India
In wake of land encroachment in the heart of Odisha capital, the government has decided to use GIS to keep records of all the lands in the smart city. Odisha Space Application Centre (ORSAC) has been assigned for the GIS mapping of the land under Bhubaneswar Municipal …
Integration of statistical and geospatial data is key to delivering a public information infrastructure that supports evidencebased decision making.
The European Commission, Directorate- General Environment, is inviting comments on the implementation of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Directive (2007/2/EC).

Spatio-temporal rainfall changes at tropics had raised concern among scientists. However, comprehensive studies at catchment scale of Southeast Asia where the combined regional and local factor is a tough task to be carried out due to the inherent limitations of rainfall data sources especially in the remote

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Ministry of Interior (MOI) has initiated a major development program for its Border Guard (BG) to develop the BG’s organization into a 21st century security force capable of delivering comprehensive border protection [KSA MOI 2007]. Such a sustainable approach requires a comprehensive modernization and integration of command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR), supporting…