GPS News


Jul 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GPS


Safe Navigation in Korea

In Korea, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs shall soon provide small ships off the coast of the Korean peninsula with differential GPS information through mobile phones and other personal devices. Until now small avoided using professional equipment because of the price of the hardware.

Operational Glonass Satellites go up

The number of operational satellites in Russia’s Glonass grouping has been increased to 17, according to Russia’s Federal Space Agency Roscosmos said. Two Proton-M launch vehicles are expected to lift off this year to put six more Glonass-M satellites into orbit.

GPS shoes for Alzheimer’s patients

Aetrex Worldwide, a footwear manufacturer and a technology company, GTX Corp is teaming up to develop footwear with a built-in GPS device that could help track down ‘wandering’ seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. Embedding a GPS device in a shoe was important because Alzheimer’s victims tend to remove unfamiliar objects placed on them but getting dressed is one of the last types of memory they retain.

U.S. Customs OKs ‘redesigned’ GPS chip import

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has determined that GPS chips redesigned by SiRF Technology Holdings, Inc. fall outside an exclusion order issued by the U.S. International Trade Commission. The approved redesigned SiRF products, and products that contain the SiRF chips, are now allowed to be imported for sale in the U.S. The ITC had previously ruled that SiRF had infringed on three of Broadcom’s GPS patents. Reuters

Forest guards get trained to use GPS

Forest guards in Himachal Pradesh, India are being imparted training on GPS. The main purpose of using the system was to plan the movements of forest guards well in advance and it would be easier to put in place a better guarding system. ANI

Error in GPS coordinates- Wrong house demolished

A demolition crew in Georgia in the US has taken GPS error to new levels – demolishing entirely the wrong house on the basis of its GPS co-ordinates. A team from Forestar Group Inc used GPS co-ordinates to destroy the house of Mr Al Byrd, 150 yards away and on the opposite side of the road from their intended target.

GPS & compass on key ring

IDC Design Corp has announced a tiny GPS system that can be mounted on a car key ring and act as an ‘electronic breadcrumb trail’ back to a particular location – the car for instance. Guidance is simply by an arrow and distance readout – there is no mapping.

US National CORS programme adds GPS satellite base stations

Three additional GPS satellite base stations owned by eGPS Solutions are now being processed into the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) program. These base stations are part of the eGPS Real Time GNSS Network.

Russia to launch two GLONASS Correction Relay Satellites

The Russians will launch two multipurpose relay satellites in 2010-2011 for providing GLONASS correction data. Loutch- 5A will be launched in December 2010 and Loutch-5B in December 2011.

Russia and Ukraine to hold joint experiments on ISS

Russia and Ukraine intend to form a common navigation space based on GLONASS system, and hold a number of scientifi c experiments on the International Space Station. “We have worked through the issues related to the formation of a single navigationand- time space of Russia and Ukraine basing on the GLONASS system and other global navigation systems,” Federal Space Agency Roscosmos head Anatoly Perminov said.

Coast Guard directed to maintain and upgrade Loran

The U.S. Senate directed the Secretary of Transportation to maintain the current Loran-C navigation system and prepare for modernization to eLoran, and authorized $37 million per year for 2010 and 2011 towards that purpose. Similar action is also currently pending in the House. The signifi cance of Congressional intent, if carried through, will be continuous longterm commitment to Loran as an essential, integral backup to GPS. Without such a demonstrated commitment from the U.S. government, OEM manufacturers have been reluctant to design and produce integrated Loran/ GPS chips or receivers.

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