Galileo Update, News Archives


Dec 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – UPDATE


EU developing ‘militarised’ space policy which could trigger ‘arms race’

The European Space Agency is accused of developing technology to dominate the “high ground” of space, including a multimillion pound EU Satellite Centre in Spain. The Transnational Institute, a Dutch think-tank, said: “EU-financed communication and spy satellites are slowly becoming reality and in the long term the inclusion of space-based missile defence and other more offensive uses of space are real options for an increasingly ambitious EU military space policy.” The report said French ambitions for the “militarisation of space” have led to arguments with Britain – particularly over Galileo, the much-delayed European global positioning system. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, who currently holds the Presidency, said in June that space agenda was one of his priorities. Galileo would be vital in any European deployment of the sort of GPS-guided artillery now being used by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan

Space ministers give green light to new programmes

Europe’s space ministers met at the Council Meeting at Ministerial Level of the European Space Agency (ESA), which took place in The Hague, the Netherlands, on 25 and 26 November. During the meeting, the ministers, from ESA’s 18 Member States plus Canada, adopted four resolutions. Among other topics, these covered the role of space in delivering Europe’s global objectives and established the level of resources for ESA’s space science programmes and basic activities for the period from 2009 to 2013. The ministers also approved the continuation of a number of ongoing optional programmes and the initiation of new programmes. The ministers gave the green light to a wide range of scientific initiatives including ESA’s subscriptions for the programme behind the European Global Navigation Satellite System, which is set to work on improvements to the Galileo system. The new budget for the ESA reflects a substantial increase over previous years. Member States reportedly agreed on a EUR 10 thousand million figure to cover the next three to five years.

Growing Galileo event: Preparing for FP7’s second call

With the European Commission’s 7th Research Framework Programme’s (FP7) second call for proposals about to be launched, the GSA is hosting Growing Galileo 2009, a conference and information day that will help participants make winning proposals. Growing Galileo 2009 will be held 27-28 January in Brussels. It will focus on the funding opportunities for satellite navigation project proposals available under the FP7. A total of €40 million is available through FP7’s second call for Galileo and EGNOS research and development projects. With a focus on the upcoming second round of FP7 calls, Growing Galileo 2009 is an opportunity for participants to network and form partnerships with other organisations. Those attending will learn about the projects accepted for funding under FP7’s first call for proposals, launched in November 2007. Presentations from GNSS industry experts and market leaders will stimulate brainstorming and the exchange of ideas among

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