News Update

UltraMap 5.0 now generates comprehensive DSMs and DTMs

Sep 2020 | No Comment

Vexcel Imaging has announced the release of UltraMap version 5.0, the latest update of its all-in-one aerial photogrammetry software featuring comprehensive DTM generation and full integration of Ortho Production in UltraMap Studio.

With the introduction of a completely new Digital Terrain Model (DTM) algorithm based on automatic semantic image segmentation and intelligent filtering, UltraMap 5.0 now generates comprehensive DSMs and DTMs for export at unprecedented quality. Additionally, several new features have been implemented to facilitate and speed up the data production process. From simultaneous DSM and DTM editing in one interface and simple re-processing for ortho products, to the full integration of Ortho Production in UltraMap Studio and new quality control tools like visualization of non-ground objects: Customers gain the best possible insight and control over their data throughout the entire value chain to create 3D spatial data products that meet the highest photogrammetric standards.

Key Features 

General: Increased efficiency through inherently higher quality.

  • Comprehensive DTM generation
    • Smart derivation of DTM from DSM
      • New DTM filter algorithm based on semantic image segmentation
      • Optionally preserve detected bridges in the DTM
    • DTM Editing
      • Simultaneous DSM & DTM editing in one interface
      • Simple reprocessing of DTM Ortho tiles after DTM edits
      • Import and merge selected regions of DTMs from external sources
      • Visualization of non-ground objects to simplify QC of the DTM
    • DTM Export
  • Full integration of Ortho Production in UltraMap Studio
    • Workflow from Level-2 to all ortho products fully traceable in UltraMap Studio
    • Simplified re-processing for ortho products
      • Process arbitrary subsets of a project within the same UltraMap Studio workflow
      • Easily create different variants of a DSMOrtho/DTM/DTMOrtho from the same DSM
  • Generation of color balancing masks based on semantic image segmentation helps drive down manual interaction.
  • Import and export vector data in GeoJSON format where previously only Shapefiles were supported.
  • New download settings in UltraMap RawDataCenter to support high performance storage systems.
  • Support for all UltraCam systems, including UltraCam Osprey 4.1.

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