News Update

TEOCO expands 5G geolocation analytics and optimization

Mar 2023 | No Comment

TEOCO, a provider of analytics, assurance, planning and optimization solutions to over 300 communication service providers (CSPs) worldwide, released a new version of its Mentor Suite.

This latest release, v2022.2, includes enhancements to Mentor’s Server, Client and CogniSense products to expand the breadth of analytics use cases with a particular focus on 5G geo-analytics and optimization using advanced machine learning algorithms.

As the latest release of its Mentor Suite demonstrates, TEOCO is reaffirming its commitment to its global customer base by providing them with the applications to plan, optimize, monitor and troubleshoot their networks and deliver better quality services, while at the same time streamlining the processes required for this to happen.

With current technologies here to stay and the fact that radio optimization processes must examine the radio network as a whole, TEOCO is also continuing to extend the support for existing and new technologies with new features and capabilities as it future-proofs the Mentor Suite for 5G and beyond.

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