Articles tagged with: HEIKE HAAS
Th e ESA International Summer School on GNSS 2009 was held from July 20th to 30th in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria – Germany. Aft er the great successes in 2007 and 2008 the European Space Agency adopted the International Summer School on GNSS which itents to educate Satellite Navigation in an intersdisciplinary way and give a comprehensive overview on the design and development of satellite navigation systems and its applications. Bernd Eissfeller, leading organizer and director of the Institute of Geodesy and Navigation of the University FAF, Munich was plesed about this change. “Not only ESA is now part of this international activity concerning GNSS education”, he pointed out, “but also many high ranking universities which supported the Summer School for the fi rst time.” Th e 2009 organizing committ ee consisted of Eissfeller`s institute, the Stanford University (USA), the Institute Supérieur de l`Aéronautique et de l`Èspace (France), Aalborg University (Denmark) and Graz University of Technology (Austria). 47 participants from all over the world joined Summer School 2009, i.e. Russia, China, Australia, etc.