Submit papers

Editorial Guidelines

Coordinates welcomes papers/ views/ reviews on positioning, navigation and associated technologies. We request you to share your knowledge and expertise with our readers. Please keep in mind the following guidelines while submitting editorial content:

When you submit your paper, please ensure that,

· The paper should be of 4000 words maximum, including the breakout boxes.

· The paper should be sent both as a MS Word document and an Adobe PDF file.

· The associated pictures should be of high print quality. (If scanned, they should be scanned 100 per cent at 300 dpi). All pictures/figures should be sent separately in a PDF file also.

· Along with the paper please send:

– Passport size photograph of all the authors (JPEG or TIFF format in case submitted electronically).

– Biodata of all the authors (maximum 100 words each).

– Summary of the paper in up to five bulleted points (maximum 100 words).

· The articles submitted for review and publication to us may not be submitted to other publications during our review process.

Please also note that,

· The editors have the right to edit, revise, re-title and re-orient all the articles according to the format of Coordinates. We also have the right to check articles for accuracy.

· The criteria of paper selection are editorial theme, relevance, accuracy and originality. Research papers are referred to an editorial panel for their review before publication.

· The papers should avoid product and company centric references.

· Submission of complete article does not guarantee its publication. Even the publication of accepted articles gets delayed due to limited availability of space. The final content of the magazine is decided at a very late stage of production.

· In case authors want to share some of their papers with the readers of Coordinates which has already been published, they can send us it with proper acknowledgement. They should also take care of copyright issues at their end.

· Once published with us, we have the copyright to republish and authorize the republication of articles, in whole or in part, in any media.

· Authors should agree not to publish the same and similar paper in any other magazines for the next two months following publication in Coordinates. After the two months of the publication, they are free re-publish their papers with due acknowledgements.

Please send your paper

Electronically at or

By post to The Editor Coordinates, A002, Mansara Apartments C 9 Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi – 110096, India

The Editor may be contacted at +91-11-42153861 or +91-9810724567.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Coordinates magazine is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards.  To ensure this we follow the following principles:

The editors are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the magazine should be published.  In evaluating the submitted works, the editors limit themselves only to the intellectual content.  The editors can reject the paper in case they feel that it may be the case of copyright infringement and plagiarism.  The editors must ensure the confidentiality of the submitted works until they are published.  In case the editors decide not to publish a paper, the content of the paper should not be used for other purposes without the express written consent of the author.

The editors may send the papers for the review, if required.  Advisors of Coordinates magazine may assist the editors in taking the decision of publishing a submitted manuscript.  The reviewers are bound to treat the manuscript received for peer reviewing as confidential, and must not use the information obtained through peer review for personal advantage.  The reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.

The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works.  When the authors use other materials, sources should be appropriately cited. Authors should not submit the same work or describe essentially the same research in more than one journal.