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Orolia debuts global PNT academic program

Feb 2022 | No Comment

Orolia has created the Orolia Academic Partnership Program (OAPP) to build a community to help foster global PNT research and collaboration at top engineering schools and research institutions. Orolia will provide qualified institutions with access to the company’s signature Skydel Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Simulation Engine, the industry’s most advanced GNSS and PNT testing and simulation tool.

Supporting its vision to form an interactive community focused on the future of GNSS and PNT research and education, Orolia created an online forum ( that allows users to interact with other users and Orolia experts, share information, ask questions and receive feedback. A host of white papers, application notes and detailed technical documents are also available.

Skydel is an innovative GNSS simulation platform that leverages software, advanced graphics cards (GPU) and software-defined radios (SDR). Users can build custom signals and connect to other systems and devices (such as sensors, IMU, etc.) through Orolia’s open-source plug-in capabilities. Skydel also includes the ability to generate and test the vulnerability of GNSS/GPS with integrated interference, jamming and spoofing capabilities. Because Skydel leverages commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, it is the only GNSS simulation solution that can run independently of simulation vendors’ hardware.

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