NSDI in India: The reality behind the dream

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4th NSDI Workshop

17- 19 November 2004, Lucknow


This Lucknow Communiqué for NSDI is adopted, by the 98 delegates from 35 departments/agencies, at the 4th NSDI Workshop at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on 19th day of November, 2004.

1. Work for establishing a mechanism for NSDI opera tionalisation through appropriate clearances and approvals.

2. Urge the early release of the National Map Policy which will enable the positioning of spatial data and application/services on networks and enable the implementation of the NSDI vision and goals. The policy must be comprehensive and inclusive of spatial data/information.

3. Agencies from the government, private and non-government sector – who have spatial data assets and solutions are urged to integrate their efforts and participate in NSDI. It is the collective efforts of all agencies
that can bridge the gaps in supporting critical applications like disaster management, infrastructure development, natural resources management etc

4. Urge all agencies to populate their metadata and position metadata servers. An immediate effort to develop an integrated national Metadata server/clearinghouse, encompassing links to agency servers is required. This would enable the ?rst element of NSDI – Metadata Services to become operational.

5. Encourage generation of nationallevel innovative content through the use of advanced technologies and positioning updated and accurate theme-oriented maps.

6. Developing national standards for NSDI – encompassing Content standards; GIS Design standards; Toponymy standards; Quality Standards; Application Metadata Standards; Network design and protocols and appropriate Policy/Guidelines for agencyparticipation and Access Rules is critical for the further progress of NSDI. Noting the efforts being made by different agencies (like the efforts of NNRMS to draft GIS Standards), it is essential to integrate standardisation efforts
and position a National Spatial Data Standard for adoption by all.

7. NSDI must aim to establish interoperable spatial data and products/services across platforms and software products. To this end, NSDI needs to examine the level of compatibility and harmonization of national NSDI standards with international efforts of standardisation through the works of OGC, ISO etc. In this, the involvement and commitment of the software product suppliers is important.

8. It is recognized that private sector would be the main source for SDI technology, solutions and services – which would be the backbone for NSDI. With a concerted effort towards Public- Private partnership for NSDI, there is a need to articulate the mechanisms for active private sector participation in NSDI.

9. There is a need to pursue a research agenda for NSDI – speci?cally encompassing topics like, standardisation, semantics, ontology, toponymy, GI market, pricing policy, GI Business Models etc. The mechanics of involving academia and enabling research projects at universities and institutions needs to be looked into.

10. The demonstration efforts of NSDI for supporting national development must be continued to bring about a larger awareness
of the bene?ts of NSDI.

11. With the aim of leveraging the bene?ts and advantages of NSDI in society, a concerted campaign for generating larger awareness on NSDI amongst professionals, stake-holders, users and the public needs to be continued.

12. Noting the successful conduct of the GSDI-7 Conference and the acceptance of the offer made by India to the GSDI Association to host the GSDI International Secretariat in India, efforts to strengthen the linkages with GSDI, through development of institutional and programmatic linkages, and establishment of the international Secretariat must be pursued.

13. NSDI must continue to strengthen and further develop bi-lateral links with nations that have strong SDI programmes and enable mutual benefit.


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