LBS News

NAVTEQ introduces new Maps for Africa

Mar 2010 | No Comment

NAVTEQ announced the availability of a first dataset of maps for Nigeria and Kenya. The Nigerian “intermediate map” covers 140,000 km of roads in 14 cities found in the country’s 36 states and 17,000 viewpoints, while the Kenyan version shows 9 cities and 60,000 km in Kenya, plus around 6,000 viewpoints. Both maps include scenic details from major national parks and game reserves.

“The launch of the Kenya and Nigeria Intermediate Map sets is an important milestone towards the achievement of NAVTEQ’s strategy of comprehensive coverage of the East and West African regions”, said Frank Pauli, vice president EMEA Map and Content Products at NAVTEQ.

NAVTEQ Intermediate Maps are specifically created for introducing LBS and navigation applications in emerging markets and are based on third party source data verified by the company. The products do not adhere to the same specifications or required verification as the company’s flagship product, the NAVTEQ map.

In Africa NAVTEQ has also recently signed a content agreement with eco-destination mapping company, Tracks4Africa.

Integrated into NAVTEQ’s data structure, this off-road and outdoor guide is built from the collective travel experiences of several hundred Tracks4Africa community members. The product offers of more than 90,000 km of roads for South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland, together with in excess of 40,000 points of interest like scenic viewpoints and specific lodging information.

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