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Galileo Update

Mar 2010 | No Comment


Satellite Navigation Event

Galileo Application Days, 3-5 March, kicks off the competition with a conference
and an ‘Application Village’, where demonstrations will occur. The annual
ESNC competition, or ‘Galileo Masters’ as it is also known, is designed to stimulate
commercial applications using Europe’s satellite navigation programmes. The
event is being organised by the GSA, and the Application Centre for Satellite Navigation in Oberpfaffenhofen (the ‘Galileo Masters’), and is sponsored by the ESA Technology Transfer Programme. The aim is to promote the competition in conjunction with other investments the European Union and ESA make in satellite navigation research.

OHB-System and ESA sign Galileo contract

The Director of the Galileo Programme and Navigation related activities, Mr René Oosterlinck, and the CEO of OHB-System AG, Berry Smutny, signed the contract for the development and construction of 14 Galileo satellites. These signatures implement the decision made by the European Commission to nominate OHB-System as prime contractor for the 1st 14 satellites.
With a total volume of around EUR 566 million, the contract assigns to OHB-System
the function of prime contractor for 14 satellites. OHB will also be
responsible to develop and assemble the satellite bus. Under the terms of a
subcontract, UK based company Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) will be
developing and building the navigation payload and additionally supporting OHB
in the final assembly of the satellites. The 14 satellites will be integrated in Bremen,
with the first two scheduled for launch in late 2012.

Arianespace to launch the first ten satellites in the Galileo constellation

Jean-Yves Le Gall, Chairman and CEO of Arianespace, and René Oosterlinck,
Director of the Galileo Program and Navigation-related Activities at the
ESA, signed the launch contract for the first ten FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites in Europe’s planned Galileo satellite positioning system at ESTEC (European Space Research & Technology Centre) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The contract is managed by ESA on behalf of the European Union. Also present at the contract signing ceremony were Matthias Ruete, Director General of the Energy and Transport Directorate General in the European Commission, and Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General of ESA.
These ten satellites will be placed in a circular orbit at an altitude of 23,000
kilometres. They will be launched in pairs starting in December 2012, using five
Soyuz launchers operated from the Guiana Space Centre. The satellites will be built by
the team of OHB Technology of Germany and Surrey Satellite Technology, Ltd. of the
United Kingdom.

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