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First responders using DeLorme GIS software

Feb 2010 | No Comment

As many as 500 responders and relief workers in Haiti are now using GIS software, GPS receivers and crucial map data provided by DeLorme, and the company stands ready to offer additional assistance. Based on feedback the company has received, a combination of DeLorme XMap mapping software, Earthmate PN-Series GPS devices and DeLorme Digital Map Data for Haiti have proven invaluable to a variety of first responding organisations during the early phase of the earthquake recovery efforts.

First responders using DeLorme XMap software and the Earthmate PN-40 GPS receivers have been able to overlay aerial imagery, routable roads and streets, as well as pertinent GIS layers for applications in the field including navigation, field data collection and resource allocation and identification. XMap makes it easy for responders to view these disparate data layers and to transfer the data to rugged DeLorme PN-40 GPS receivers for field use.

Driven by the need for street-level maps of Port-au-Prince, DeLorme over a week ago established a team of cartographers and map technicians to create map data for first responders. Urgently-needed GIS software and GPS hardware were also included.

David McKittrick, DeLorme training specialist, said, Shortly after the disaster we received a number of calls from frustrated first responders who were looking for a simple solution that integrated GPS, map data, and mapping software. DeLorme has provided free digital map downloads of Haitian street and road data to responders and relief workers who were in desperate need of that assistance but unable to find it elsewhere. DeLorme is continuing to update the data for Port-au-Prince, prioritised around the responders requirements. In addition, the DeLorme cartography team is now working on data for other impacted areas, such as Cap Haitien and Jacmel.

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