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Dhruva Space receives authorisation from IN-SPACe for Ground Station as a Service (GSaaS)

Aug 2024 | No Comment

Dhruva Space, a full-stack Space Engineering solutions provider based in Hyderabad, is pleased to announce that it has been granted authorisation by the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Center (IN-SPACe) to provide Ground Stations as a Service (GSaaS).

This milestone achievement marks a fortification of Dhruva Space’s Ground segment offerings as well as a significant advancement in the company’s ability to commercially support a wide range of Space missions efficiently and effectively.

Till date, Dhruva Space has indigenously designed and developed six Ground Stations in VHF and UHF bands, and two Ground Stations in S and/or X bands. In 2021, Dhruva Space initiated internal research and development by establishing its S&X Ground Station at IIT-Hyderabad, now a cornerstone of the company’s Ground segment solutions.

This facility will play a pivotal role in supporting Dhruva Space’s upcoming LEAP-1 hosted payload mission scheduled for later in 2024. Dhruva Space is also in conversations with several global Ground Station operators to expand its now India-based network to a global network of Earth Stations providing unfettered access to operate satellites from anywhere in the world, and vice-versa.

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