
“The betterment of societies through spatial enablement”

Jul 2009 | Comments Off on “The betterment of societies through spatial enablement”

Emphasizes Associate Professor, Abbas Rajabifard, Incoming President, GSDI Association on 19 June 2009 at Rotterdam. Here are the excerpts

This conference is a milestone in our GSDI journey. The huge size of the conference program points to the relevance and level of interest in the subject areas of the conference partners. The conference has shown, once again, the essential requirement for the Association to partner in order to delivering credible outcomes, with INSPIRE and Geonovum at this event, as we did with FIG in GSDI 9.
The conference has presented material covering a multitude of topics: Societal challenges; Convergence and collaboration (GEO/ GEOSS, GEOSS/OGC/GSDI, the UNSDI, and, government, business and the scientifi c community); SDI development (national, regional, continental -INSPIRE, and in the marine environment);SDI applications; Technical issues (data interoperability and harmonisation, …); Research and development; Policy and governance (SDI assessment, data sharing, return on investments; business models); and Capacity building (GSDI knowledge network, regional newsletters, future spatial skills, International Geospatial Society, Rotterdam Geo Youth Capital 2009; Master Classes).
Our activities are dedicated to international cooperation and collaboration in spatial data infrastructure development to address the social, economic, and environmental issues confronting the world. We regularly offer conferences such as this one to enhance communications among practitioners as well as among the leadership of other geospatial organizations. We purposefully take our conferences to different parts of the globe in order to serve all parts of the planet.We publish monthly newsletters within and for various regions of the globe in multiple languages in order to keep all geospatial specialists aware of opportunities to become engaged and participate in their own regions.We offer a regular small grants program in furtherance of SDI development in developing nations. We are expanding support of our working committees that are actively addressing technical, legal and socioeconomic, social impact, and communication issues.
An important priority for us is to enhance our inclusivity so that we better respond to the individual needs of members, are open and accommodating to the ideas of others, and draw people from different backgrounds into our Association. The creation of an International Geospatial Society which is an individual Arm for our Association and this is an excellent example of this strategy.
I believe the essence of what we do in the Association is help to create an enabling environment that enhances outcomes in societies, economies and the global environment. The betterment of societies through spatial enablement is one of my goals as President.


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