Survey requirements for river flood assessment and spatial planning
Enrico C Paringit, Louie P Balicanta and Czar Jakiri Sarmiento
This paper discussed the different surveys employed in order to produce the data required to perform detailed flood hazard mapping and assessment. The flood hazard mapping exercise was able to define in greater detail the flooding susceptibility of the four river systems based on a combination of various survey techniques employed on ground and in air... [more]
3D+t Acoustic Fields Modelling Based on Intelligent GIS
Vasily Popovich, Yuri Leontev, Victor Ermolaev, Dmitry Chirov and Oksana Smirnova
The approach described in this paper considers the development and implementation of the W2 concept and technology for the underwater acoustics’ problems solving... [more] |
Tracking satellite footprints on Earth’s surface
Narayan Panigrahi and Raj Gaurav
In this paper, a method of conversion of an inertial frame to non-inertial frame has been discussed... [more] |
On module framework of VieVS and data processing for teaching and research
Erhu WEI and Shenquan TANG
VieVS is a new software for VLBI data processing, which has been a great help for research of Space Geodesy. Various solution modules and corresponding principles were introduced, steps were introduced for sake of experiment, and is may be helpful for teaching and research on VLBI data processing... [more] |
A new approach for real-time structural monitoring
Elisa Benedetti, Mara Branzanti, Gabriele Colosimo, Augusto Mazzoni, Monica Moroni and Mattia Crespi
This work addresses the feasibility of employing low-cost GNSS receivers and MEMS-accelerometers for structural and infrastructures monitoring purposes, in particular as regards vibrations recognition and characterization... [more] |
Monitoring the declination of surface water bodies using NDWI technique
Ajaya S Bharadwaja and Prof Syed Ashfaq Ahmed
This paper presents the usefulness of Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) technique in monitoring the declination in surface water bodies in an urban scenario, with the case study of Bengaluru city... [more] |