Resilient PNT: Is it?
Andy Proctor, Guy Buesnel and John Pottle
Experts share their views on vulnerability, impacts and possibilities... [more] |
BIM is the New GIS
Mohsen Kalantari
There is an urgent need to update our training and education, so BIM is integrated and highlighted. BIM requires further attention in the spatial and surveying education... [more] |
Rising expectations –public institutions facing a new reality in a digital era
Daniel Janonius Löwgren
The purpose of this paper was to present some examples of how ICT are changing the conditions for public institutions, as they allow expectations from citizens to rise constantly as a result of technological innovation... [more] |
3D deformation analysis using GNSS data
Pratama, Rizal Adhi, Sunantyo, T Aris and Widjajanti, Nurrohmat
A case study of Penggaron bridge of Semarang-Ungaran toll road section. The results of this study show that there are deformations on eight Penggaron Bridge observation points. The strain has the same pattern with horizontal and vertical movement patterns of the observation points... [more] |
Evaluation of landslide hazard of Kohima, India Kedovikho Yhoshü and YV Krishnaiah
The present study is an attempt to generate a landslide hazard zonation map of Kohima through quantitative method in GIS environment. Kohima, the capital of state of Nagaland In India and is located the Inner Fold Belt which is geologically unstable... [more] |