The future of the map –the map of the future
Prof Dr Georg Gartner
Modern Cartography is key to human mankind. Without maps we would be“spatially blind”. Knowledge about spatial relations and location of objects are most important…New and innovative technologies have an important impact into what cartographers are doing... [more]
Pedestrian Indoor Navigation with Smartphones
Jhen-Kai Liao Kai-Wei Chiang and Chih-Hung Li
This study uses the indoor control point as the update measurement in the extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to aid the Inertial Navigation System (INS) without GNSS. The walking velocity from a pedometer and step length model is applied as the constraint of moving direction in EKF... [more] |
Geospatial Portal as an important SDI building block for Disaster Response and Recovery
Biredra Bajracharya
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) with its national and international partners has developed an Information Platform (Geospatial portal) to act as a unified information hub and and a single-gateway for validated data and information related to the earthquake ... [more] |
SBAS navigation performance evaluation in sub-saharan Africa
Claudia Paparini, Herbert Rodrigue Ngaya, Oladipo Emmanuel ABE, Xurxo Otero Villamide, Sandro M Radicella and Bruno Nava
This paper presents some results of the scientific research conducted by Training on EGNOS GNSS in Africa (TREGA) laboratory members concerning the feasibility of a potential Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) in Sub-Saharan African regions... [more] |
Drones in support of upgrading informal settlements: potential application in Namibia
Grenville Barnes, Walter Volkmann, and Anna Muller
We describe a rapid test of using an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to acquire geospatial data that can be used to facilitate planning, upgrading and to promote tenure security... [more] |
"Nepal has learned the importance of geo spatial data and easy access to the data when required" says Ganesh Prasad Bhatta, Deputy Director General (Head: Cadastral Survey Division), Survey Department, Ministry of Land Reform and Management, Nepal... [more] |