"Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS-1), first of the seven satellites of the IRNSS constellation is planned to be launched onboard PSLV in the first quarter of 2013."
- S K Shivakumar, Director, ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), India
"GAGAN through improved position information permits approaches with vertical guidance, thereby improving access to the airport even during bad weather conditions"
- V Somasundaram, Member Air Navigation Services (ANS), Airports Authority of India
"The key issue in Asia is harmonization, which is not just a regional issue but rather a global matter."
- Miyoun (Mimi) Dobbs, Program Director - Asia Pacific,Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (CAASD), MITRE, USA
"The BeiDou system will enhance the comprehensive national strength of China"
- Xingqun ZHAN, Professor of Guidance, Navigation and Control at School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai, China
"The BeiDou system will focus on compatibility and interoperability with other GNSS. "
- YANG Dongkai, Dr Professor, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, China
Gagan: Status and update
A S Ganeshan
The Final System Acceptance Test (FSAT) was completed during July 2012 and the GAGAN signal in space is evaluated using SBAS receivers at various locations across the country... [more]
Collision avoidance by speed change
James L Farrell
A collision avoidance strategy introduced more than ten years ago, being pursued in an investigation by Ohio University with NASA sponsorship, is supported by programming efforts that address dangerous scenarios. For aircraft that would collide if allowed to remain in their existing flight paths, conflict resolution can be provided by changing speed ... [more]
The Jamaica VRS and cadastral surveying
Glendon G Newsome, Gregory Peake and Romayne Douglas
This paper provides a history of the Jamaica Geodetic infrastructure and the changes that have taken place with this network over the last few decades. Readers may recall that we published the fi rst part of the paper in August issue. We present here the concluding part... [more]