The decade belongs to GNSS
Boris Kennes and Justyna Redelkiewicz Musial
According to the 2010 GNSS Market Monitoring report published by The European GNSS Agency
(GSA), the global market for GNSS will grow significantly over the next decade, reaching some €244 billion for the enabled GNSS market in 2020. Delivery of GNSS devices will exceed one billion per year by 2020. Mobile location based services (LBS) and Road will be the market sectors with the highest revenue generation.… [more] |
GNSS spoofing analysis by VIAS
Jyh-Ching Juang
A metric, Vulnerability Index Against Spoofing (VIAS), is proposed and used to assess the effectiveness of a spoofer. The use of VIAS is of benefit in assessing the use of GNSS navigation in resisting spoofing. The VIAS which depends on both time and location may also shed light on the design... [more] |
Status of the GNSS transmitter-based approach for indoor Positioning
Anca Fluerasu, Nabil Jardak, Alexandre Vervisch-Picois and Nel Samama
This paper has presented the latest updates of the GNSS transmitter-based approach, highlighting its advantages. This system is easy to deploy and transport, can be used in a non-equipped building or even outdoors. Such a deployment could be envisaged in a situation of emergency…[more] | |
Mass market receiver for static positioning
Marco Piras, Gianluca Marucco and Alberto Cina
There are differences between GPS receivers that have a important impact on accuracy and performance in static positioning. Carrier phase contribute is fundamental in static positioning in order to obtain the best PVT solution, but this is true if the carrier phase measurement quality is good…[more] |
Indian plan for satellite-based navigation systems for civil aviation
Suresh V Kibe
A brief outline of the three segments – User Segment, Space Segment and Ground Segment necessary for implementation of an SBAS system over the Indian airspace. The GAGAN system is expected to be implemented by the Airports Aurhority of India and Indian Space Research Organisation by 2012 …[more] |