Track me if you can!
Pei-Hung Jau, Zuo-Min Tsai, Fan-Ren Chang and Huei Wang
The specialized positioning system usedfor the tiny insects, such as bees, has been proposed in this article. In order to achieve the purpose of positioning the target accurately instead of only tracking the target in a rough area, the ranging techniques of the pulse radar system are improved by using the spread spectrum technology which is inspired from the GPS and the other communication
system... [more] |
Cadastre: Evolution or Revolution?
Kees de Zeeuw and Martin Salzmann
Nowadays, modern land registry organisations do not only face many new challenges, also the pace of demand for new products and services increases every year. This paper aims to analyse the developments in society that influence the functioning of a cadastral organisation and to show how the Dutch Kadaster handles these developments...[more] |
How to measure traffic jam?
Martin Grzebellus
As traffic jam is getting a bad reality in our times, realistic information on the traffic situation together with optimized routing to reduce overall waiting time on the trip become more and more valuable all over the world. But how to validate, if the information provided is reliable and trustworthy? On the first look, this sounds easy, but as truth is in the details, a lot of hurdles have to be passed...[more] |
National GIS: Views and Voices
K R Sridhara Murthi, NL Sarda, Swarna Subba Rao and Vandana Sharma
The Planning Commission, India has proposed the establishment of National GIS (NGIS) through Indian National GIS Organization (INGO). It has formed Interim Core Group (ICG) to prepare a blueprint of the NGIS. Readers may recall the interviews of Dr Shaliesh Nayak, Chairman, NGIS, ICG and Dr Mukund Rao, Member Secretary, ICG (Coordinates – July 2011). We present here the views of some of the ICG Members, which though diverse, contribute significantly in building a strong foundation for NGIS...[more] | |